"Forget it, they will come if they don't come"

Murong Li is very generous, Feng Qining glared at him, this person is so generous to others, why is he not so generous to her?

Tang Xuan looked at Feng Qining and then at Murong Li, as if she wanted to see what happened from the perspective of the two of them.look
"See what? Do you think you can see something?"

How could she possibly read anything from her face if she didn't want to?This is absolutely impossible. [

"You two, are you alright?"

Tang Xuan asked this question very carefully. Yichu told her that when Murongli got angry, she was still very angry. She thought there was something to watch, so she couldn't wait to come. She never thought that there would be something to watch after she came. Ah, but other people's plays are pretty much the same.

"It's okay, of course the two of us are okay, or do you think there's something wrong with us?"

Murong Li asked back, with a bit of danger in her tone.

"No, of course not, of course I want you to be okay"

How dare she let them have trouble? She doesn't think her life is too long.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to see us?"

Feng Qining felt that she was really too old today. She just dealt with Murong Li, and now she has to deal with Yichu again. Is it easy for her?

"Tell me, what happened to you these two days?"

Tang Xuan was very curious about this matter. They went out brightly, but why did they come back like beggars?What's going on in it?

"What happened, I saw Ye Ru his mother"

Feng Qining rubbed her chin, this Ye Ru doesn't really look like his mother, but more like that Ye Sheng, no wonder these two are so cruel, the blood of the Ye family is very pure, it has continued to the most pure of.

Everyone is ruthless, and there is no one who saves trouble.

Tang Xuan wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to ask. She still had a hard time accepting that fact. Although it had been so long, she was still very conflicted.

"Her, what did she say?"

What did you say?Feng Qining sneered, and told Tang Xuan exactly what Su Xue told them. She saw Tang Xuan's face turned pale and her hands and feet trembled.

"How? Do you still have fantasies about him? Do you still think he is good?"

Feng Qining looked at Tang Xuan, and said this lightly.

Tang Xuan shook her head. The slightest reluctance towards Ye Ru in her heart disappeared in Feng Qining's words. His father was such a cruel person. As his son, how could Ye Ru be any better?I'm afraid it's because blue comes out of blue and is better than blue. [

"What about now?"

Tang Xuan looked at Feng Qining, they only suspected that the masked woman was Zhuang Yudie, but they didn't have any solid evidence.

"Ah, we actually forgot"

Feng Qining patted her head, portrait, they actually forgot to ask Su Xue to draw a portrait for them, with a portrait, it might be easier to find, without a portrait, how would they know what Zhuang Yudie looked like?

"Here it is"

Yichu took out a painting from his bosom, looked at the painting in his hand, Feng Qining couldn't believe it, how could it be, when did she finish it?Why doesn't she know?

"When you're hurt"

It turned out that seeing Feng Qining saved her life, Su Xue was very grateful, and when Murong Li was bandaging her, she quietly drew this picture.

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