The woman in the painting is wearing a purple dress, her hair is like a cloud, loosely tied, she looks soft and beautiful, the most eye-catching thing is the tear mole at the corner of her eye, which is as bright as blood, as if she wants to tell the sorrow and bitterness of a lifetime .
"Looks so pretty"

Looking at Zhuang Yudie in the painting, Tang Xuan sincerely praised her. She used to think she was beautiful, but this time, after seeing so many beauties, she finally understood what it means .

"What I want you to see is not whether she is pretty or not"

Feng Qining glanced at her helplessly, she was obviously a woman, not a rascal, why did she look specifically at whether a woman was pretty or not? [

If she is a man, she can understand a little bit, but she is a woman, how can a woman care so much about a woman's appearance?

"Then what?"

Tang Xuan looked at Feng Qining suspiciously. If you look at a person, if you don't look at her appearance, what else is there to look at?It's normal to look at her face subconsciously when looking at people, right?

"See if her figure is the same as the woman we saw before"

Feng Qining held up the painting and studied it carefully for a while, but she still didn't think it looked like it.

"How? Do you think it looks like it?"

Feng Qining looked at Murongli and the others, she couldn't see it, so couldn't they see it?With so many pairs of eyes, she really couldn't believe that she couldn't see anything.

"I don't think it's very similar"

Murong Li pondered, did they guess wrong, that person is not Zhuang Yudie?But if that person wasn't her, who else could it be?

Yichu also shook his head invisibly, the woman in the painting really doesn't look like that, if it wasn't for her, things would become more difficult, and the clue would be broken here.

Zhang Kai was silent, as if he was thinking about something, looking at their expressions, Feng Qining also looked at the woman in the painting again.

"Could it be someone she sent, maybe she didn't show up in person?"

Feng Qining muttered, this, it seems that it cannot be ignored, right?

These words reminded Murong Li and the others, they exchanged glances, and they all had serious expressions on their faces.

"You don't need to think about it so much. What is the truth? Let's ask Naye Ruo and we'll know."

Just ask?Was she being too naive?Feng Qining took a look at Tang Xuan. She was afraid that she would arrest Ye Ru, even if she threatened him, she might expose herself before she arrested him.

"I think we should keep an eye on Ye Ru, the only way to find clues now is through him."

Murong Li suggested, and Feng Qining agreed, now there seems to be no other way besides that one, right?

After planning the matter, Feng Qining looked at Murong Li with questioning eyes, what she most wanted to know, he should know. [

"I've already given him a drink, I guess he will wake up soon"

A smile appeared on Feng Qining's face. This was what she most wanted to hear for a long time, and it was also the best thing to hear.

Standing beside Lan Se's bed, Feng Qi watched intently, how she hoped that he would wake up in the next second, but she waited and waited until midnight, and he still didn't wake up.

Feng Qining, who was tired all day, really wanted to lie on the bed, but she was afraid of missing the best time for Lan Se to wake up.

"Feng, go to rest, I'm fine here"

Feng Qining shook her head, "No, I must guard him, so that I will be the first thing he sees when he wakes up."

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