Others may not know why Feng Qining is so persistent, but Murong Li knows, because Lan Se was also by the bedside waiting for her to wake up five years ago.Fiction Rankings
Now that the angle is changed, Feng Qining also wants him to see herself first when he wakes up. She wants him to know that she has never left and that she has always been by his side.

"Sit down, your legs may be numb if you stand like this"

Feng Qining sat down obediently, she yawned, and finally fell asleep holding Lan Se's hand.

Murong Li's hand reached out to her shoulders, he wanted to hug her to the bed, but in the end he stretched out his hand back, Murong Li knew that she did this just to reduce the feeling of guilt in her heart . [

She always felt that she owed Lancer so much that she couldn't even clear it up, so if there was a chance to repay, she would never let it go.

Murong Li sat next to him, looking at the sleeping Lan Se, at this moment, he actually envied Lan Se, if he is the one who is unconscious now, then Feng Qining is guarding him now.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable, but this is his wife, but she is guarding another man, whoever it is, would feel uncomfortable, but Murong Li didn't stop her, he thought, Feng Qining should be a little more, Then Lancer's position in her heart will be lighter, so that she won't miss her all day long.

Yichu, Zhang Kai, and Tang Xuan have already gone to bed. There are so many people guarding here. Firstly, it is unnecessary. Secondly, these two guarded all night, so tomorrow's guards have to be watched by them. .

Pain, this was Lancer's first feeling after he became conscious. He wanted to open his eyes to see what happened to him and why his whole body was in such pain, but his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he couldn't open them no matter what.

"Mother, dear"

Very faintly, Lan Se called Feng Qining, when the accident happened, the first person he thought of was Feng Qining, and now when he is in pain, he naturally thinks of her.

Feng Qining suddenly opened her eyes, she seemed to hear Lan Se calling her.

"Son, are you awake?"

Feng Qining looked at Lan Se nervously, but after watching for a while, there was no sign of him waking up, Feng Qining fell down on the chair in disappointment.

"Don't be disappointed, he will wake up tomorrow at the latest"

Murong Li comforted her at the side, he didn't want to see her disappointed expression.

"Well, I know, I was too impatient"

Feng Qining leaned against Murong Li's body. After such a commotion, she no longer wanted to sleep, so she just opened her eyes wide and looked at Lan Se. For some reason, she always felt that Lan Se had woken up.


The very faint call appeared again, this time, Feng Qining heard it right, it was really Lan Se who was calling to herself.

"Son, are you awake? I'm here, open your eyes and see"

Feng Qining shouted anxiously, she firmly grasped Lan Se's hand, feeling Feng Qining's anxious cry, Lan Se forcefully opened her eyes.

He remembered, when he passed out, Feng Qining was so anxious, she was so worried, how could he make her worry? [

Feng Qining looked at Lan Se's rolling eyes and held her breath. If she looked closely, she could find that the hand she was holding Lan Se was trembling slightly.

Under Feng Qining's expectant eyes, Lan Se finally opened his eyes.

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