The eyes that had just been opened were still a bit unclear and hazy. After a while, Lan Se finally saw clearly. Seeing Feng Qining, Lan Se's eyes were filled with surprise. He heard Feng Qi Ning just now. Ning's voice, but he thought he heard it wrong.
He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, what he saw was not her, and he would be very disappointed.


Lancer opened his mouth, his throat was very dry, and it was difficult for him to speak, but he still wanted to call her. He didn't know how long he had slept, but it felt like he hadn't called her for a long time.

"I am here"[

Feng Qining looked at him very happily, and finally woke up, if she didn't wake up again, she would ask Murong Li to give him a strong medicine, and then give him some more powerful medicine.

Murong Li poured a cup of tea, put it to Lancer's lips, and fed him to drink. After drinking the water, Lancer felt a little more comfortable in his throat.

"How will you be here?"

Seeing Murong Li, Lan Se actually said such a sentence, Feng Qining really wanted to drag him down.

"I'm not here, do you think you can wake up?"

Murong Li said coldly, he naturally knew what he was thinking, but he just wanted to be alone with Feng Qining, how could he give him this chance?He thinks too much.

"Okay, Rimei, my son has woken up, hurry up and prepare something to eat"

Feeling that the atmosphere in the room was different, Feng Qining hurriedly sent one person away. Didn't these two people get along very happily before?Why is it wrong now?

Murong Li took a deep look at her, Feng Qining felt a gust of cool wind blowing from her back, and it came again, she was most afraid that Murong Li would look at her like that, as if she had done something heinous.

Like last time, Murong Li just glanced at her and left, Feng Qining cast his eyes away, turned to look at Lan Se.

Lancer's face is still pale, like a piece of white paper, and the blue eyes have lost their luster, just like the gray sky, but when they see her, they light up from time to time.

"Son, how are you? What else is uncomfortable?"

Feng Qining looked at his wound, and asked in a worried tone. She reached out to touch his wound, but she was afraid that it would hurt him.

"I'm fine, mother, don't worry"

It's fine if Lan Se doesn't say that, but when it comes to this, Feng Qining will scold him.

"Also, you said the same thing before you fell into a coma, but you still slept for so many days, do you know that, I wonder if Li Meiren lied to me?"

Feng Qining really wanted to hit him, but when her hand was about to touch him, she took it back.

"I made my mother worry, mother can fight if she wants to"

Feng Qining glared at him: "I really want to hit you, but you look like this, I'm afraid you will die if I punch you down, I think I'd better keep it for now, when you recover, I will naturally get it back of"[

"Okay, when I get better, mother can beat me up"

While the two were talking, Murong Li came back quickly, and his speed made Feng Qi Ning look sideways.

"Rimi, you are very fast."

Feng Qining leaned over to see what he had done, and saw a bowl of dark things in the bowl, Feng Qining pointed at the bowl with trembling fingers and asked him: "Li beauty, what is this?"

Don't tell her that this is for Lancer to eat, even if he wants to murder him, it can't be like this, now he is a patient.

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