"This is porridge"

Feng Qining tried her best to look, she really wanted to find the rice inside, but no matter how she searched, all she found was black, which should be the bottom of the pot.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
This method is not skillful, and she understands that there will be bottoms in the pot, but she doesn't understand very well that there are bottoms in the pot.

"Limei, I'm curious, how did you make this bowl?"

Feng Qining asked a little frightened, he is considered a genius, she thinks she can't do this kind of thing. [

"Uh, the fire was too big, and it became like this"

Murong Li is embarrassed to say that this bowl is what he thinks is better. He made three bowls before, and those three bowls were all black, but they were completely stuck to the bottom of the pot, and there was nothing left.

Murong Li thought, if he brought three pot bottoms and told Feng Qining that it was porridge, he might scare her, so she made this bowl again.

"It may be that the bottom of the pot was too thick in the previous few times, so it became like this"

Murong Li saw Feng Qining's grown-up mouth that could not be closed for a long time, and finally added this sentence.

"The bottom of this pot is only a little thick."

It almost covered all the rice, Feng Qining admired Murong Li, he dared to take out this bowl of food, he was not trying to fill Lan Se's stomach, he was trying to murder him.

"If I didn't know that you have no hatred with him, otherwise I would think you wanted to harm him"

Feng Qining came to a very pertinent conclusion, and Murong Li looked at her resentfully.

It was she who asked him to cook, and she was the one who disliked him. She thought he was a genius and knew everything.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore, I know you can't learn it either"

Feng Qining sighed, and went out quickly. That night, Feng Qining went to the shopkeeper's bedside and grabbed the shopkeeper. It is said that the shopkeeper thought that a ghost had come to her bedside that day.

Because a gust of wind blew first, and that wind froze him awake from his dream. When he woke up, there was already something dressed in white standing beside the bed, because he didn't know if it was a human or a ghost, so he could only define her. for stuff.

When he was fully awake and was about to shout out, the man sealed his acupuncture points. It turned out that she just wanted a bowl of porridge.

The shopkeeper had no choice but to make a bowl of porridge for him, and then she floated away.

"Shopkeeper, is what you said true? Did you really see a ghost?"

When the customers heard what the shopkeeper said, they still felt unbelievable, ghosts, many people have heard of this kind of thing, but few people have seen it. Now, the one who said he saw a ghost, can you not be curious?

"Really, I also cooked a bowl of porridge for her, how could it not be true?"

The innocence of the shopkeeper's words, the affirmative tone, it's hard not to believe it, the people next to him glanced at each other, their eyes were full of half-belief, it's impossible for a liar to be so sure, right? [

"What does that ghost look like, you can draw it."

"I, I didn't dare to look at it at the time, I only knew that she was wearing all white"

The shopkeeper's words aroused everyone's contempt, and just now he was eloquent, but this time he said that he didn't see clearly, what is it if he is not lying?

"Believe me, I really saw it."

Seeing that everyone didn't believe him, the shopkeeper became anxious, and his mood was very aggrieved.

Feng Qining sat in a corner with a table of people, drinking tea leisurely, Murong Li looked at her with bright eyes, Yi Chu and Zhang Kai had smiles on their lips.

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