"It's okay, I just think the person in the painting is very familiar"

Lan Se's words made Feng Qining's eyes light up, but she did not forget, at whose hand Lan Se was injured, she wanted to ask him for a long time, but seeing that his injury was not healed, she couldn't wait Ask him about it.
She was afraid of provoking him.

Feng Qining looked at him expectantly. If she didn't ask, he should understand her eyes very well.

"But I can't remember where I saw it"[

Lan Se's words made Feng Qining think about hitting him with a stick, did he do it on purpose, he only saw those two people in one day, and he still can't remember, he must be playing with her on purpose.

"Are you really unable to remember or are you unwilling to say?"

Feng Qining gritted her teeth a bit when she said this, if he dared to answer that he didn't say it on purpose, then she would definitely pay him back the beating he owed her twice.

"Okay, I remember it, but I didn't see it clearly at the time."

At that time, he just removed her mask a little, only noticed the tear mole in the corner of her eyes, but before he could see clearly, he was tricked.

"I remember that person had a tear mole in the corner of his eye. As for whether it is the same as this one, I don't know."

Although they didn't see it clearly, the news was very impressive to them. At least that person might be him. As long as it was possible, they would not let it go.

"I was thinking, isn't Ye Ru going to kill his three elder brothers? When will he do it?"

Feng Qi Ning pondered, she became a little nervous these days, thinking about when Ye Ru would do something, but after a lot of waiting, he didn't do anything, is he planning to play with her?

"How can this matter be so simple?"

Murong Li felt that Ye Ru must be planning something. Didn't that person tell him that someone was watching him secretly?Maybe he wanted to find out who those people were.

"I think he wants to recover from his injury."

Even if you want to do something, you must first have a good body. If you don’t have a good body, then what else are you talking about? Ye Ru was injured like that last time, and his body is not good yet. Most importantly, he is about to become Eunuch.

"If he becomes a eunuch, what does he want these for? Everything becomes meaningless"

Yi Chu thinks very realistically, Feng Qining found that Yi Chu always thinks in the most realistic way, he seems to be able to pierce the most important places with one needle.

Tang Xuan blushed when she heard them discussing this. How could she say these things in front of everyone?

"Why are you blushing?"

Tang Xuan's blushing made Feng Qining feel strange, but they didn't say anything, why was she blushing?

"What are you talking about..."[

Tang Xuan hesitated to speak, she looked at Feng Qining sadly, how could this person ask such a question here?Just because she's bold doesn't mean she's also bold.

"What did we say? We're just discussing when he's going to do it, and you're too shy"

Feng Qining waved her hand, she couldn't figure out why these ancient women were so bold in some things, how could they be shy when faced with unimportant things.

Why are they so shy?

"Because we are discussing that Ye Ru is a eunuch"

Yi Chu said it clearly, and Feng Qining suddenly realized that she had thought of what happened that night.

"What happened that night?"

That night, her eyes were covered by Murong Li, so she couldn't see anything. She was a happy, free erotic palace.

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