Murong Li looked at Feng Qining's gossipy face, and pulled her back.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Don't worry about her, that's all she said"

Why did she just talk?If you can, you can really tell her, she really wants to hear it.

"Before the storm comes, it is always very calm. Don't be too happy, because you don't know what else is waiting for us."

Zhang Kai reminded them that they are happy here, is it too early to be happy? [

What Zhang Kai said is correct, before the storm comes, it is always very calm, and soon, there will be a big storm waiting for Feng Qining and the others.

Ye Ru didn't do anything these days, he was really looking for who was using him and where they are now. The masked woman told him that if they found out, he could put the crime of killing his brother on them.

Let them become the public enemies of the martial arts, and he can justifiably eradicate them, and when the time comes, maybe someone will do it without him doing it.

Murder with a knife!

Ye Ru, who had been quiet for many days, finally took action tonight. Yi Chu, who was hiding in the dark, saw him put on night clothes and rushed to give Feng Qining a message.

"You stay here and protect my son"

Seeing that Tang Xuan wanted to leave with them, Feng Qining felt that she should stop her. She was not good at martial arts, and she was timid. Following them would simply become their burden.

"I don't need her protection"

Lancer looked at her with disgust, protecting him, as long as she could protect herself well, how could she protect him?

"What do you mean? No matter how bad I am, I'm better than you are now. You don't even look at what you are like now. You can't get up when you lie in bed, and you have the nerve to dislike me."

Tang Xuan has always cared about Lan Se looking down on her. Anyone can look down on her, but this person can't. Why, it's because he looks younger than her.

Why should a brat who is younger than her look down on her?

Tang Xuan didn't know, Lan Se looked younger, but he was actually older than her, it's just that his face deceived the world.

"Hey, it's not safe for you to stay here alone, she's here, if something happens, you can take care of each other"

Feng Qining thought very realistically. If someone troubled them, Tang Xuan could still support Lan Se when they ran away. What if he couldn't escape by himself?

"No, I'm fine, mother, don't worry"

Lan Se wanted to say something, but Feng Qining slapped him: "Shut up, don't object, she will stay here to take care of you, I'm leaving"

After finishing speaking, without giving Lan Se a chance to refuse, Feng Qining turned around and left, seeing their leaving figure, Lan Se was so depressed, with this woman, he might as well be sullen all by himself.

"I said, why don't you come, he's leaving" [

When Feng Qi Ningyi appeared, Yichu dragged her into a hidden corner.

"Something is delayed, isn't it here?"

Feng Qining glanced at Ye Ru who was running ahead, and covered her mouth.

Feng Qining and the others chased after Ye Ru leisurely, as they expected, he was going to the Martial Arts Alliance Lord's Mansion.

Also in this short period of time, Feng Qining somewhat understood why he didn't go back to the mansion these few days.

He stayed outside, and something happened to his family, so the relationship was completely wiped out, and no one could find him.

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