“It may or may not have been a coincidence”

Someone defended Ye Ru weakly.
"No more excuses, just look at this dress"

Yichu suddenly came out from behind Feng Qining, and threw a piece of clothing in front of everyone. Now, it was very clear, who would dare to say otherwise?

Seeing that dress, Ye Ru's face turned pale, why, how could it be?How did those people find this dress? [

"You said you wanted to hide it, but it was better to hide it behind us. Who do you think is to blame?"

Yichu looked at Ye Ru contemptuously, if he wanted to blame it, he could only blame God for not helping him, he just left this clothes here, and they found it by such a coincidence, he deserved the bad luck.

Looking at that dress, Ye Ru's face instantly turned pale, her eyes subconsciously looked for someone in the dark to help, and seeing his expression, Feng Qining knew what he was thinking, she felt it was necessary for her to remind him, That person is no longer there.

"You don't need to look for her, she has already been solved by me"

Feng Qining glanced towards the rockery, she saw Ye Ru's body shake with her own eyes, Feng Qining smiled.

This time you know you are scared, this time you know you are panicked?But it was too late, she would make him pay the price.

Looking at Feng Qining's expression and Ye Ru's expression, those people already guessed the truth.

"Master Ye, don't you think you need to explain this matter?"

explain?No matter how much he explained, he couldn't hide the fact, Feng Qining smiled, did he think he could hide anything?

"I can only say that these are all blamed on me. They must have stolen this dress from my room just now when we were not paying attention, and then put some blood on it."

His imagination is very rich, Feng Qining's lips curled up, and a trace of air-conditioning blossomed around her lips.

The wind at night was blowing quietly, slightly cool, and the smell of blood wafted in the air, just like today's night, bloody, killing.

"If you all believe in such an excuse, then I can only say that you are idiots and fools"

They took advantage of this time to go to his room to steal clothes, and she wanted to do the same. This idea appeared as early as when her mind was turning, but his room was behind them, and she thought it was hidden It was impossible to get past them to the back.

Fortunately, God helped them and sent the dirty clothes to them at such a moment. Now, they don't need to find any evidence, because this clothes is the most powerful evidence.

"Master Ye, did you really kill your father and Lingtang yourself? And you still blamed them?"

Someone asked sadly, just now the situation was biased towards Ye Ru's side, but in an instant it was biased towards Ye Ru's side.

"Feng, don't tell me too early, our identities will be revealed soon"

Murong Li reminded her from the side, she must not forget that they were there when the leader of the martial arts alliance died, and now that the exposure has come to this point, they cannot be kept secret. [

Feng Qining rubbed her chin, it seemed like this, but if you expose it, you can expose it, she felt that the wordless gold medal was originally hers, even if it wasn't hers, she didn't steal it, so why do these people think she stole it ?

It's not hers, and it's not theirs, is it?

"There's no fairness here"

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