Zhang Kai suddenly came up with this sentence, if you are innocent and you are guilty, even if you do nothing, you will be hunted down by others because of the things you hold in your hands. There are not so many reasons, I can only say that you No luck, that's all. www>

"That's right, I didn't expect any fairness, but I will try my best to make it fair. Don't forget, it's hard to cheat me first."

Feng Qining said that she was full of confidence, she was fine with asking her to hand over the gold medal, she said, exchange a large sum of money, this exchange is fair, they want power and she wants money.

It's none of her business that they fight to the death for the position of the martial arts leader, she just needs to get what she wants.

Without that purpose, she would rather destroy it than give it to them. [

"At this point, don't you still admit it? Why don't they talk about others, only you? Mr. Ye, do you still dare to say that you didn't do this?"

When the monk said this, he was heartbroken. From his tone, people who didn't know him thought he was Ye Ru's father.

Feng Qining shook her head, this experience made her understand one more thing, the one who is best at pretending is not her but the monk, and the one who is best at acting is not others but the monk.

Their appearance makes others think they are kind, and their profession makes others think they can't lie. In fact, they are the ones who can lie and act the most.

"Yeah, I was the one who did this. I don't like them. I want them to die. How about it?"

Very crazy, Ye Ru laughed, looking at his behavior, Feng Qining knew that he was going crazy again, but he admitted it, so there was nothing wrong with her, she had to find a time to escape.

Feng Qining tightly grasped Murong Li's hand, and quietly wrote words in Murong Li's palm with her fingers. After finishing writing, she glanced at Murong Li, and Murong Li nodded lightly. In fact, he also planned to do so.

"You, why are you doing this?"

The people present were shocked when they heard Ye Ru's words. They had heard all kinds of things, but this one still made them feel appalling.

Ye Ru repeated what he had said to Ye Sen. Feng Qining and Murong Li nodded after listening to his words, and slowly backed away. Just after walking a few steps, the voice of the beautiful lady sounded again.

"You want to escape?"

The eyes of those people immediately turned back, Feng Qining's hatred, she wished to tear up that beautiful lady's mouth, couldn't she pretend not to see it?

"Yeah, I want to escape, if you don't see me, I really want to escape"

Feng Qining's spirit is always the best, even if she is found out, she will admit it generously, and will never give an aggrieved explanation like others.

If she finds out and doesn't admit it, explaining it again is just letting others read the joke. What she hates the most in Feng Qining is when others watch her jokes from the sidelines.

"You want to escape, I won't let you go if I don't kill you"

Ye Ru rushed towards Feng Qining, swiped the sword across, the domineering sword energy was like a wall, blocking those people out, the sword swept across Ye Ru's stomach, and with one stroke, Ye Ru's intestines came out.

Those who were used to seeing blood couldn't bear to witness the bloody scene. Feng Qining raised her sword upside down, her eyes glowed red, and she looked at them bloodthirsty.

"Who else of you wants to come up?" [

The cruel scene silenced those people, daring not to say a word.

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