"Why are you following us?"

Feng Qining felt a little dark about this kind of thing. She hadn't forgotten about Zhou Qing. With Zhou Qing, the friendship between them and Jing Sheng was lost. Tang Xuan, who knew that something would happen. what?

"But we can't protect you"

Murong Li refused a little. Feng Qining didn't need their protection. Usually she was the one who protected them. But this Tang Xuan was just the opposite. Usually they were the ones who protected her. How could they have the time and energy to take care of someone else?

"I don't need your protection"[

Tang Xuan hastily assured her that she looked at Feng Qining with pleading eyes, she could feel that following them would definitely experience many interesting things, it would be better than staying at home alone and bored.Fiction Rankings
"Do you know what we are going to do? Follow us?"

Yichu sneered, as if mocking Tang Xuan's overthinking, did she think it would be a good thing to follow?Things like today can happen to them at any time, does she think it is a good thing to lose her life at any time?

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I know that you are not bad people. I am not sure about other things. I must know this."

Even if she is a bad person, she has nothing for them to rob. Tang Xuan can see clearly that they don't like anything on her, and she doesn't have any martial arts secrets, so they won't have any purpose.

"You are really sure, do you think there is really nothing we are interested in about you? Be careful, I will catch you and sell you"

Feng Qining's voice suddenly turned cold, and her face became cold and serious. The evil spirits from hell, Feng Qining like this made Tang Xuan feel scared, but she was also afraid of being chased and killed by martial arts people. Those people would not be like this Let her go easily.

"But it's better to follow you than to be alone. I don't know when someone will find me. Then I will deal with them alone. Are you okay?"

What are they sorry about?Is there anything in this world that they dare not do?Usually it is not a question of not daring but of willingness.

"Don't you need our protection? Then you should have no problem dealing with them alone."

There is a problem, there is a problem, she said that she just said nothing, and it's not that she doesn't know how capable she is, so how can she refute her so seriously?

"We're not here for fun. We didn't mean to take you with us. What if something happens on the way and your father sends someone to trouble us?"

She is the eldest lady of Tangjiabao, not a cat or a dog on the side of the road, take her, if something happens to her, they will be the only ones in trouble.

"Don't worry, such a thing will never happen. I will write a letter to my father. If something happens to me, it's none of your business."

She was so naive, Feng Qining was speechless, the owner of Tangjiabao might not know them yet, but he was wary of them because of Tang Xuan's letter, maybe he thought they had abducted his daughter.

"I beg you to stop for a while, we really have to hurry, and there are very important things, not to take you to play"

Did she think they were her family's guards, taking her with them wherever they went?

Tang Xuan really wanted to lose her temper like before, but these people would not spoil her. If she dared to lose her temper, they would definitely turn around and leave.

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