"You should go home, you are not safe outside as a young lady"

Zhang Kai also joined the persuading army. Seeing that they were unwilling to take her with her, Tang Xuan stomped her feet and left crying.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

Seeing her like that, Feng Qining shook her head, she really was a young miss who lost her temper, did she think they would coax her like her family?

"Let's go, we have to buy another carriage outside"

Logically speaking, they would be faster on horseback, but wouldn't riding in this weather be fatal?So a few people discussed it, it is better to buy a carriage. [

Sitting in the carriage, Feng Qining had a feeling she hadn't seen for a long time. She had the illusion of where she was going to settle down after staying there for a few days.

"Am I old? Why is it only seven days, and I feel like it's been a long time?"

Feng Qining looked at Murongli suspiciously, when it came to that number, Feng Qining secretly sighed at their ability to handle things quickly, they solved such a case in seven days, of course, they couldn't stay there for too long.

Now they are not short of money, but after staying for a long time, they are still very short of money.

"That's because we haven't been traveling day and night for a long time."

Murong Li stroked Feng Qining's hair, looking at that exquisite face, Murong Li also had a long-lost feeling. They had been disguised during this time, as if they hadn't seen each other's true colors for a long time.

“Looks like someone is following”

Yichu stopped the car, Feng Qining became vigilant, Lan Se also sat up, Feng Qining glared at him.

"Why are you moving? Lay down for me"

Lancer lay down sadly. He had to lie on a thick quilt in hot weather. Who else suffered more than him, but if he didn't lie on the quilt, his wounds would easily open.

"Who, come out"

Yichu got out of the car and looked at the tree behind him. He knew that the person was hiding there, but that person seemed to be carried by Yichu, and he didn't answer and didn't intend to show up.

With a figure like the wind, Yichu came under the tree, and slapped the trunk with his palm. Cracks began to appear on the tree, and finally the tree fell down.

Because of this, the person on the tree fell in front of them, and seeing that person clearly, Yichu's eyes were full of helplessness, so it turned out that she still didn't give up.

She is not so attached to other things, so why is she so attached to this one?

"Why do you still follow? Didn't I tell you that it's impossible for us to take you away?"

After being discovered, Tang Xuan's face was momentarily embarrassed, but after Yi Chu said such words, she immediately became righteous.

"The road is heading towards the sky, you go your way, I go mine, why can't you?"

What she said was very righteous, Yichu looked at her for a while, then turned and left. [

He wanted to see how long she could stay with her, but he didn't believe that he couldn't get rid of her yet.

Feng Qining originally wanted to get a carriage, but after hearing that familiar voice, she dismissed that idea and dismissed Tang Xuan. Yichu should have a solution.

But he was fast, Feng Qining didn't expect it to be so fast, Yichu came back in only 2 minutes, Feng Qining looked behind and found Tang Xuan was still standing behind.

Tang Xuan looked at them with abandoned eyes, those who didn't know thought they had done something to her.

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