"That person is indeed a trouble, and it's usually not a good life to mess with it."

Feng Qining shook her head, no wonder others said that women are troublesome, now it seems that it is indeed quite troublesome, even if she is a woman, she finds it troublesome, let alone a man?

"Ah, help, help!"

After walking for a while, Tang Xuan's cry for help suddenly came from behind, Feng Qining and Murong Li exchanged glances.
To save or not to save?Don't save it, no matter how you say it's acquaintance, if you don't save it, wouldn't it be very impersonal?Help, what if she entangles them again? [

After Feng Qining hesitated for a while, Yi Chu had already turned his head to look. Seeing the scene behind, he couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that tigers and leopards were playing tricks on Tang Xuan.

Now that they were out of the city, Tiger and Leopard naturally followed. Seeing Tang Xuan following Feng Qining's carriage, they naturally thought she was a bad person, so they wanted to teach her a lesson.

If she wanted to catch its owner, she might not even be able to pass this level.

Tang Xuan was following Feng Qining's carriage closely. Unexpectedly, a tiger was not a tiger, and a leopard was not a leopard. The moment the tiger and leopard appeared, she was really startled. After a while, , finally remembered to scream.

The tiger and leopard bared its teeth at her as if deliberately trying to scare her. Looking at those sharp teeth, Tang Xuan screamed in fright.

So, there was the scene of calling for help just now.

After she yelled for help for a while, Feng Qining felt that something was wrong, she must have been yelling for help for too long, how come it still hasn't stopped?

Fortunately, she didn't say what she wanted, otherwise Tang Xuan might lose her temper. What does she mean by this? Do you hope she can't say it?When she died, she couldn't cry out.

"Brother Yi, what happened later?"

Feng Qining came out of the carriage, Yichu grabbed her arm and helped her out, Feng Qining stretched her head to look back, at this moment, the tiger and leopard kicked its front legs, bared its teeth and rushed towards Tang Xuan.


Feng Qining hurriedly called it to stop. Hearing Feng Qining's cry, the tiger and leopard just threw Tang Xuan down and didn't bite her. However, it didn't get up immediately, and lowered its head slightly, imitating Feng Qining's appearance. , tilting her head slightly, seemed to be thinking whether she was a bad person or not.

The look of Hubao made Yichu feel amused, looked at Feng Qining beside him, Yichu suddenly said: "Ning'er, do you think that Hubao looks very much like you?"

Feng Qi stared at him, what did he mean by this sentence?That is a tiger and leopard, she is human, how could it be like her?

"You, what are you doing?"

Tang Xuan was like Feng Qining before, actually talking to Hu Bao, but Feng Qining could understand Hu Bao's eyes, Tang Xuan didn't have this ability.

"You, if you don't eat me, you should leave immediately."

Tang Xuan's teeth chattered. She couldn't figure out where this thing came from and why it followed her. Isn't this official way?Will there be such a monster on the official road?

Tigers and leopards are such smart animals. Tang Xuan could see clearly what was in Tang Xuan's eyes. This woman actually called herself a monster. [

She didn't know much about it, but she even classified herself as a monster. Furious, the tiger and leopard lowered its head and bit Tang Xuan's neck.

Tang Xuan screamed in fright and closed her eyes at the same time.

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