An unfamiliar piece of music flowed out from her hands, and the melodious sound of the piano was blown far away along the wind. Feng Qining felt a warm feeling in her heart. Hu Bao lay on the chair next to her, narrowing her eyes slightly, immersed in Feng Qining's heart. In the melodious sound of Qin Ning.look
After finishing playing, Feng Qining realized belatedly, why did she know this song?She had never learned the piece, nor did it exist in her brain.

So how did she do it?

"Feng, you are finally here"

A magnetic and gentle male voice sounded from behind, Feng Qining turned her head suddenly, and the masked man who appeared several times before appeared behind her at some unknown time, seeing him, the tiger and leopard actually jumped off the ground. [

"It was the cat who brought you here"

There was affirmation in the man's words, Feng Qining just looked at him and didn't answer.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, you know?"

"Sorry, I really don't know, I just know that you have caused trouble in my life, they all say you love me very much, if you really love me, then let me go home"

The legend, it turned out to be a legend, the man had a wry smile on his lips.

"Where does Feng want to go? You once said that wherever I am is your home"

Feng Qining looked at the man, she could tell that it was just a phantom.

"You are not real, so how can you give me a home? What's more, you said that it was in the past, so why bother to mention the past, to be honest, I don't have any impression of you now, so why do you Want me to love you?"

It was a very gentle voice, but the words that came out were so cruel, obviously cold, but Feng Qining's words still made the man's heart ache.

"I don't know why you brought me here, but I think this place is only suitable for burial, not for preservation. If I did love you before, then let me destroy this place."

Feng Qining raised her hand, the golden light in her hand stood out, a big knife appeared in her hand, Feng Qining looked at the man, smiled bloodthirsty, her body rose into the air, the phoenix spread its wings behind her, golden light flowed, Feng Qining broke through the roof and came out, Draw a cross against the house.

The golden light is like a tide, approaching the wooden house layer by layer, unexpectedly there is a light yellow light from the wooden house, the light is very weak, but it slowly surrounds Feng Qining's golden light.

Feng Qining felt her qi and blood suddenly reversed, as if something was squeezing her.

She must destroy herself, looking at the pale yellow light, Feng Qining withdrew her own light, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, Feng Qining wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, and her figure approached the wooden house.

Facing the wooden house, Feng Qining slashed down with a knife, but was bounced back by an unknown light. When she was about to fall to the ground, the man's hand supported her.

"Why is Feng so heartless?"

There was sadness in the man's tone. Even if she never wanted it in the past, she didn't have to be so heartless. Besides, she didn't recover her memory, so how could she be sure that it was definitely not what she wanted?

"I'm always like this, why do you always miss me when I'm so ungrateful?"

Feng Qining broke free from his embrace, and her body swayed a bit. She felt that all this was a bit strange. Where did this man come from, and why did he break her spiritual spell? [

"I owe you, what is owed always needs to be repaid"

The man looked up at the sky, then turned his head to look at Feng Qining: "It doesn't matter if you don't know me now, you will soon."

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