"What else would you say besides this? Where is your real body?"

Feng Qining looked at the man, she really felt very strange, she felt that he was human before, why is he so illusory now?As if it doesn't exist.
"That's because I can't come to you during the day, but you suddenly appeared today, and I can only use phantoms. I wanted to wait for you here, but I thought, if you think about it, you shouldn't want to be here anymore, so I I helped you build a home in another beautiful place, not very far from here, if you really want to see me, then you can definitely find it."

There was pain in the man's voice, so why didn't he want to tell her that it was just that the seal had to be untied somewhere, because his skill here was not enough, and he could only untie half of it, and when the time came, his memory would be confused, and she would go crazy of.

For some reason, Feng Qining felt that her eyelids were heavy, and the man's figure gradually became unclear. She wanted to pinch herself, but she couldn't use the strength. Finally, Feng Qining fell into the man's arms. [

"You have to remember, to find me, you must go through this forest, I live on the lake"

In a daze, this sentence kept echoing in her mind, Feng Qining hated that person, since she had told her half of it, why didn't she tell her the rest, living on a lake, with so many lakes, who knew where he lived? which lake?

Murong Li and Feng Qining walked together, unexpectedly when they lowered their heads and looked up again, they didn't see her anymore. Murong Li and the others were anxiously looking for her at the same spot, but she suddenly appeared in front of them, but she was lying down again.

When Murong Li saw that Feng Qining came out lying down, his face turned pale with fright, and when he grabbed her hand and felt no injury, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phoenix, Phoenix"

Murong Li shook her, Feng Qining woke up under Murong Li's shaking.

"Limei, you, why are you here?"

"This is what I want to ask you. We walked together just now. I didn't expect you to disappear suddenly. It scared me. What happened to you?"

What happened to her?Feng Qining tried her best to recall, but she didn't think of many.

"I just remember meeting a guy and he told me he lived on the lake and if I wanted to find him I had to go through the woods"

The only thing I remember clearly is this sentence. Feng Qining tilted her head and scratched her hair. The things she could think of were really limited.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you don't think about it, you're fine"

Murong Li hugged her, and the moment he realized she was missing, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Rimi, don't worry, he didn't do anything to me"

Feng Qining said this with certainty, she knew that men were very concerned about this, although Murong Li would not abandon her, but she did not want to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Relax, I know"

He knows, he knows everything, he actually guessed who did it, what he resents is that he can't help anything at this time, he can only watch her get hurt.

"What do you know? You don't have to feel guilty. If he really loved me, he wouldn't do anything to me. Otherwise, even if I remember, I'm afraid I will resent him."

Feng Qining had a good grasp of the man's psychology, and Murong Li probably thought of this too. [

"Okay, you can talk about these things when you go back, as long as you are fine"

Yichu admired the two people for being able to talk about these things like no one else.

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