"What are you trying to do?"

Does she also want to end up like him?He could ignore Lin Sheng, but of course he couldn't ignore her words.look
"I just want to touch, not want to do anything"

Feng Qining looked at him very aggrieved, she just wanted to see what this kind of thing was.

"Okay, I won't touch"[

Feng Qining raised her hand, it's fine for her not to touch it, is it necessary for him to look at her so scary?

"Be good if you don't touch it"

Murong Li rubbed her hair, the tone he used to coax the little girl almost made Feng Qining vomit blood, what kind of tone was that?She is not a little woman, she needs to be coaxed with that tone.

"You still come to see me, hurry up and save me."

Lin Sheng's tone was full of pleading, Feng Qining walked around him, thinking about what Murong Li did just now.

"We can't seem to help you"

This thing is so sticky, they seem to have nothing to do.

"You are just here alone, why don't you try to work with the five of you? Maybe it's possible or not."

Lin Sheng suggested that Feng Qining and Murongli look at each other, it is undeniable that this is an idea.

"Then let's try, but you have to be prepared, if it doesn't work, I will leave you here"

Of course he knows that for them, he is not a very important person, not unimportant, it can be said that he is dispensable.

In this way, Feng Qining formed a tracker team, why is it a tracker team?Because Feng Qining said that they pulled a rope like those trackers, so they were called the tracker team.

“The name is kind of ugly”

After pondering, Yichu came to such a conclusion.

"What is ugly? What I said is the truth. Do you think our current image is very good-looking?"

He didn't even look at what they were doing now, he had to listen to it nicely, as long as he could listen to it.

"Can you hurry up?"

Lin Sheng begged and said, "He has been like this for most of the night, and his body is going to be exhausted. Why don't they help him think about it?"

"What's the hurry, isn't this helping you?" [

Murong Li tied one end of the rope around Lin Sheng's waist.

"Okay, I'll call one, two, three, everyone work hard!"

Feng Qining raised her hand, gave an order, and everyone really used their strength. This time, everyone used all their breastfeeding strength, and finally pulled Lin Sheng out, but the tragedy happened again, his clothes were torn And because they used too much strength, Lin Sheng fell to the ground.

It's okay to fall to the ground, just get up, but this is a forest, and there is usually no shortage of water in dense forests. What they stepped on happened to be another piece of water, and a small stream flowed from here.

Lin Sheng fell heavily to the ground, and there was a splash of water, wrong, not water, but mud, Murong Li's body and face were covered with mud he made.

Seeing himself in such a state of embarrassment, Murong Li decisively abandoned him.

"Okay, get up by yourself"

After casually throwing down a sentence, Murong Li went to the side to arrange her clothes.

In the end, only Lan Se stopped in front of him and stretched out his hand to Lin Sheng. Lin Sheng looked at Feng Qining, but did not extend his hand for a long time.

His glance misunderstood everyone present, including Lancer.

"You want my mother to come and pull you, are you dreaming?"

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