Lin Sheng was embarrassed to say that his trousers fell off, and Feng Qining was here, so he couldn't bring it up, but what would he say?How can he say that?

"If he doesn't fall in love, we'll leave quickly if he doesn't fall in love."

Feng Qining looked at him and was a little dissatisfied. Lan Se wanted to pull him up, but he was not happy anymore. Did he learn to be arrogant?

"You'd better get up quickly, it's impossible for mother to do it herself"

Lan Se tried to persuade Lin Sheng, but he didn't understand him anymore. Last night he was yelling, wishing he could get out of the sea of ​​suffering quickly. Now that he was out of the sea of ​​suffering, why didn't he leave? [

Lin Sheng's face was flushed, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.
"Son, you drag him up"

Feng Qining said something to Lan Se angrily, Lan Se nodded, grabbed Lin Sheng's hand, dragged Lin Sheng up from the lake, Lin Sheng's loose clothes immediately slipped off.

His trousers also slipped down, Murong Li immediately covered Feng Qining's eyes, Feng Qining flattened her mouth, isn't it a man's cock?She has seen many of them.

She didn't know how many times she had seen it when she was on a mission before, but the strange thing was that she had never blushed, only when she faced Murong Li.

The reason for this situation, Feng Qining thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, the only explanation she came up with should be that Murong Li is someone she likes, and she has no feelings for other people, so don't be shy.

"You and I"

Lin Sheng looked at how he looked, and was speechless for a moment. He had already said that he didn't want to get up, but they insisted on pulling him up. My God, it was really embarrassing.

For the sudden appearance, Lan Se was also a little embarrassed, no wonder he gave Feng Qining a meaningful look in his eyes, that was what he meant, but if he didn't tell him, can he be blamed?

"What are you, do you think you look good if you don't put on your clothes?"

Murong Li's sarcastic remarks made Lin Sheng's body feel colder and colder, and he couldn't be blamed for this appearance, it could only be said that it was an accident, a big accident.

"Where's your baggage?"

Lan Se looked at Lin Sheng's naked body, there was nothing but hair.

"I don't know, maybe it fell somewhere"

Lin Sheng lowered his head and looked around. After a while, he actually got used to looking where he was naked. Is this something to be happy about?

Zhang Kai saw a bulging thing floating in front of him, which looked a bit like cloth. When he picked it up, it looked a bit like a bundle, but it was a bit deformed.

"is it this one?"

Lin Sheng looked up and saw the thing in Zhang Kai's hand. He actually wanted to deny it, but the thing belonged to him, and no matter how much he tried to deny it, he couldn't change the fact.

"be mine"[

Lin Sheng felt that his head weighed a thousand catties, and it was difficult to light the other end. Zhang Kai glanced at him and threw his burden to him.

"Don't cover it up, I have what you have, I think I'm no worse than you"


Feng Qining laughed out loud, it was too powerful, Zhang Kai's words completely made it clear.

"My clothes are all wet"

Lin Sheng opened his bag, and all the clothes inside were unwearable. He turned to look at Zhang Kai.

Here, his height is the closest to his, and his clothes can probably be worn by him.

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