"Monster. Look
Feng Qining yelled, grabbed Murong Li's hand and left, only Lin Sheng stood there blankly.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and catch the monsters."

When the man saw him standing there sluggishly, he felt angry immediately, and he let go of his foot. Lin Sheng was caught off guard, and leaned forward in a dog-crawling posture.

It's nothing to get down on the ground, because the trees here are full of grass, and it won't hurt him if you lie on the ground. You can only blame him for being unlucky. Someone happened to urinate there, and Lin Sheng's face was right on the ground. That wet ground. [

The mud was all over his face, Lin Sheng wiped it with his hand, a drop of water flowed out from the mud, and dripped onto his lips, subconsciously, Lin Sheng licked it with his lips.

"It smells weird."

That person ignored Lin Sheng, and after pushing him down, he left in fear.

This place is indeed full of evil, it is very likely that there are monsters!

"What happened to you?"

Feng Qining and Murong Li appeared in time, and Murong Li looked around, all those people went forward, only the three of them remained.

Yichu and the others had already walked ahead.

"Okay, don't dawdle, let's go now >

Murong Li grabbed his collar and dragged him forward. Lin Sheng, who was strangled by the neck, couldn't cry out, his face flushed red.

"What are you doing, why are you here at this time?"

Seeing that they finally came up, Yichu heaved a sigh of relief, he was afraid that they would be discovered and followed behind alone, wouldn't they be afraid of being alone?

"It's him who wasted our time."

Murong Li raised Lin Sheng's head, and when she saw his face, Yi Chu was startled.

"How did he do it? How did he do it?"

Yichu also admired him a little bit, he could do this in the woods, what else could be difficult for him?

"It's as long as a piece of cloth"

Lin Shengang was about to make a long speech about his own suffering, and said it in a language that he thought was very sad, but Murong Li let him go unexpectedly.

"Since it's so long, let's save it for later."

Feng Qining agreed: "Let's hurry up and follow now" [

The few people had already discussed that if they went to the person wearing the same clothes as them, they would definitely be discovered soon, so they had to go to the side of the different clothes.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you agree that you look over there and we look here?"

As soon as they went to the other side of the house, they were immediately chased away.

Feng Qining was depressed, what a big deal, to divide the territory.

"Why do you want to do this?"

That bastard Lan Se wanted to ask why, Feng Qining wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"You are pretending to be stupid. Didn't you agree at the beginning? Whoever finds the monster will be responsible."

Feng Qining and the others were stunned. It turned out that it was like this. If you are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, you should just say it directly if you are afraid of death, and you still have to say such righteous words.

"They can come here if they want to. At worst, if they find monsters later, it will be your credit."

Feng Qining smiled silly: "Okay, let me tell you guys, they always bully us, that's why we came here."

Seeing Feng Qining's pretty face, those people couldn't help reaching out and touching it: "Hey, little brother, you are so handsome, it makes me want to bully you too."

Just as Murong Li was about to make a move, Feng Qining grabbed him.

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