Hold back, hold back, don't be impulsive, she will definitely take revenge later. www>

Murong Li's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he would chop off the hands of these people later, but they dared to touch Feng Qining, isn't this courting death?

"Hehe, brother, are you kidding me, I'm a man too"

The man smiled obscenely: "Really? But you feel better than many girls, come on, give me a touch."

Touch your head!Feng Qining couldn't bear it anymore, she tapped her finger to seal his acupoints, and the man couldn't cry out immediately. [

"If I don't teach you a lesson, you really think we are easy to bully."

Feng Qining punched the man in the face, and immediately, the man's face was swollen a lot.

"Just kill him"

Murong Li's long sword sliced ​​across his neck, the man fell to the ground and died immediately, Yichu immediately shoved him into the grass.

"Don't be so impulsive, this is all in front of people, do you think it's in your territory?"

Yichu felt helpless for the enthusiasm of the few people, they were really used to doing whatever they wanted, they didn't care what the occasion was, they could do whatever they wanted.

"What are you afraid of? The people here are not good people. Let's go back there."

Feng Qining glanced at the corpse in the grass, who made him lustful, he deserved it.

"Where is the monster? Why haven't we seen it after walking for so long?"

Some people in the crowd got impatient, walked here in the middle of the night, let alone monsters after walking for a long time, but didn't see a single feather, isn't this a waste of effort?

"I think they are talking nonsense. Where are there any monsters in this world? I think they misunderstood something."

Some people disdainfully said that after searching for so long, some people began to believe what that person said.

Since they wanted to see it so much, let them have a look. Feng Qining gave Zhu Chiniao a look in the dark, and Zhu Chiniao flew out immediately.

Those people only felt a strong wind, and when they opened their eyes again, there were a few more corpses at their feet, and the crowd suddenly panicked.

"Ah, a monster"

Now, that person didn't look for anything anymore, just ran back, Feng Qining and the others also ran with the crowd, some people were afraid that they would be eaten by monsters if they ran too slowly, so they would push back the person who ran in front of them.

Feeling that her arm was grabbed by a strange hand, Feng Qining threw that person back without thinking much, Zhu Chiniao flew over and grabbed that person.

Dare to catch its master and see how it teaches him a lesson.

The fate of that person was, of course, dead. [

"The monster is coming, run away"

Shouting in panic, these people began to flee in all directions, Feng Qining was certainly not behind, if she didn't run away at this time, when would she run away?

"Why are you running? The monster appeared on your side. Why don't you catch the monster?"

"How do you know that the monster appeared from our side? I clearly saw that it appeared from your side, and you are the ones who want to catch it."

Feng Qining also said in a panic, that person wanted to catch her, so how could Feng Qining let herself suffer?Without even thinking about it, her nails dug into the man's hand. When the man withdrew his hand, she stepped on the man's foot and turned around vigorously.

The man yelled in pain, Feng Qining kicked him towards Zhu Chiniao again, then turned around and ran outside.

I don't know who it was, tripped over the tree vines, grabbed Feng Qining, and Feng Qining's clothes were torn by him just like that.

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