The skirt worn inside was exposed like this, and everyone was frightened by this scene, unable to react for a while. www>

"You, who are you?"

Looking at Feng Qining, it took a long time for someone to ask. At this time, they even forgot to run away.

"Monster, she must be a monster"

These people really went crazy, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, with a big knife in her hand, she turned around, took a step forward with her legs, bent her body slightly, and gave them a sharp knife. [

Feng Qining made a move, and Murong Li and the others were not polite, and screams were soon heard on the spot. Of course, the screams were not their screams but others' screams.

"I'm the one you're looking for"

Holding the big knife upside down, Feng Qining stood with her back facing them, majestic, her long hair was gently blowing, her raised skirt looked like a fairy, and on her shoulder, there was a flaming bird parked.

Those who survived and injured all stared blankly at this scene. They had heard countless versions about monsters, but the only thing they hadn't guessed was the current scene. This, how could this be a monster?It should be a fairy descending to earth, right?

"What are you doing here, let's go"

Murong Li whispered in Feng Qi Ning's ear, what time is it, and she is still playing cool here.

Just like that, those people stared blankly at Feng Qining and the others walking away. They ran a long distance just now and walked out of the woods without knowing it, but there seemed to be a tent or something like a fire in front of them.

"There are still people waiting for us."

Looking at those flames, Lancer clenched his fists and said something angrily.

"Do you think that those just wrote about Xiao Xiami, and the most powerful ones are still ahead. It's so dark, I can't see anything except firelight. I think it's better to leave after dawn."

After some discussion, they decided to leave at dawn, which is the darkest and most exhausting time. If they want to leave at that time, no one can stop them.

Dawn came quickly, and when she approached the tent, no one was guarding it, Feng Qining felt strange.

"What is this? Why is no one guarding?"

They waited so hard until this time, but now they suddenly came to tell her that in fact, there was no one guarding the gate, and they could pass through unimpeded.

"It's better not to be guarded, hurry up"

Murong Li didn't care so much, grabbed Feng Qining and left. Hearing those snoring sounds, Feng Qining was a little annoyed.

He gave Zhu Chiniao a look, and with a flick of Zhu Chiniao's wings, the strong wind blew by, and the tent was knocked down by Zhu Chiniao.

"Hey, what happened?"

"my head"[

"Ah, my feet"


Hearing these words, Feng Qining smiled slightly, and left without thinking too much. They are still at the edge of the woods, but they are going out soon.

When it was dawn, they finally saw the road from a distance.

They had seen trees or grass in the past few days, but now they saw the road, the eyes of several people showed excitement.

Where there is a road, there is a town, and maybe there will be an inn soon, and then they must have a good night's sleep.

Joy is always prone to sadness, no, as soon as a few people showed a little happiness on their faces, tragedy came immediately.


Lin Sheng was usually the one who got unlucky first. It turned out that the area in front of him was not a lawn, but a pond. The pond was covered with water plants and moss. When it was dim, it looked like a grass field.

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