Lin Sheng didn't see clearly, he was only concerned with running for his life, and stepped into the pond. It just so happened that the mud on his face hadn't been washed off, so jumping into the pond just happened to wash off the mud on his face.Passionate picture feast
But he can't swim, the water in the pond is a bit deep, he kept thumping in the water, seeing how he was doing, Feng Qining dragged him up with a ribbon.

"You bastard, can you be smarter?"

Feng Qining looked at him with her hands on her hips, just as Feng Qining finished speaking, the sound of falling into the water was heard again.

"Mother" [

Lancer was also splashing in the water. This pond is not an ordinary pond. The water is not very deep, but there is a swamp underneath, and it will sink if you step on it.

"you fool"

Murong Li was close to him, so she easily fished him out.

Lan Se felt depressed, wasn't he careless?

"You bastard, you still step on it knowing that someone is falling, are you trying to piss me off?"

Shame, Feng Qi nodded Lancer's forehead, Lancer was super depressed, he was really careless.

"I was trying to find a way out, but I didn't expect that I could fall down like that."

Lan Se's words reminded Feng Qining, if there is a large pond here, how would they get there?Are you going to fly there?The premise is that they can fly.

"Look, there must be a way here."

Yichu is optimistic: "They are all here, can't we get out?"

These words made Feng Qining feel less worried, the gang of useless materials can get through, but she doesn't believe they can't get through.

Just like that, Feng Qining and the others found their way. Lin Sheng looked at himself, it was still dawn and the weather was still cold, so he couldn't help sneezing.

"Take off your wet clothes quickly, lest you catch a cold."

He was standing and talking without back pain, so he changed his clothes, and he was so excited, he thought he wanted to dress like this, like a water ghost, but, first, he had no clothes, and second, he had no clothes There is no place to cover, where is she going to change it?

"Let's talk about it later"

Lin Sheng shook his body and said, Judging by his appearance, Murong Li didn't force it. In fact, he told him that, of course, because he had clothes, but judging by his appearance, it seemed that he didn't need them either.

Since he doesn't need it, he can keep it.

In the process of finding the way, Lin Sheng fell into the pond again. After walking more than 100 meters, he actually fell three times. Seeing the speed at which he fell, Murong Li felt that he was right. It is true that there is no need to change clothes yet, and it is not too late to change after going out.

At the rate at which he fell, no amount of clothes he had was enough for him to change. [

"We have been walking for so long, why haven't we finished this pond? Are we going to walk around the woods? No, are we going to float on the water?"

Feng Qining looked at the pond, she had no problem floating on the water, but how far was the pond?

"I think we should go there like this. I don't know how long it will take to find the way like this."

Murong Li said, there should be no problem with his lightness kung fu in the past here, Yichu and Lanse's lightness kung fu are comparable to his, so there is no need to worry about it, Zhang Kai, if you can't make it through, just go back, Lin Sheng has nothing to do with them directly .

"Well, if you can't make it through, I can help you"

The vermilion bird flapped its wings, indicating that it could take two people.

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