Lin Sheng stood up, and the first sentence he said was this. He was very hungry, very hungry. He hadn't eaten anything all day, so it's no wonder he wasn't hungry.Fiction Rankings
"Let's eat"

Murong Li handed him a piece of dry food, looked at the dry food in his hand, Lin Sheng's face was wrinkled into a ball, why are all these?

"What? You despise these things?"

Looking at his expression, Murong Li knew what he was thinking, he thought the food was so simple now, and he didn't even look at where they are now. [

"You can eat what you have. You still hate so much. You think it's so easy to eat now. If you don't save it, I'm afraid you don't have anything to eat now."

Feng Qining was a little annoyed by his disgusted expression. If he wanted to eat good food, he had to go to the town first. There was no shop in front of the village or back, so what's so good about it?

Seeing their expressions, Lin Sheng immediately withdrew the look of disgust. It's not that he was not afraid of death and dared to dislike them.

After eating the dry food, Lin Sheng finally stood up.

"Are you all right?"

Feng Qining looked at him.

"No, it's all right"

Feng Qining pointed to his legs: "If it's all right, then why are your legs shaking?"

Lin Sheng looked down at his legs, sure enough they were shaking non-stop.

"I know, you want to tell us that your legs are shaking by yourself, but you don't want to, do you?"

Lancer answered for Lin Sheng.

"Yeah, maybe I haven't walked for too long, so my legs and feet are shaking a little"

Lin Sheng was grateful to Lan Se. At this critical moment, he was reliable and knew how to speak for him.

"Oh, are you very grateful to him for helping you say this sentence? Se, tell him quickly, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Yichu smiled coldly at him, and the originally high temperature suddenly dropped in his smile.

"Since your leg doesn't belong to you anymore, why don't I cut it off for you?"

Lancer took out his sword, and Yichu looked at him with the eyes I knew, then turned around and didn't look at him anymore.

He doesn't want to take care of the rest, he can do whatever he wants.

Lin Sheng looked at Lancer's sword and opened his eyes wide in horror. [

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, don't you think your leg is in the way? Then I'll cut it off for you"

No, do you want to be so cruel?

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded in the distance, Feng Qining raised her head, in the distance, there was a horse galloping towards this side, the distance was too far, Feng Qining could not see anything, the distance was getting closer, Feng Qining finally saw Clear.

Seeing the person on the horse, Feng Qining narrowed her eyes, how could it be him?Why is he here?

It was none other than Jing Sheng and Zhou Qing, Feng Qining never expected to meet them here, she thought she would never see them again in this life.

Seeing Feng Qining, Jing Sheng reined in his horse.

Seeing Jing Sheng, not only Feng Qining was surprised, Murong Li was also surprised, why are they here?How could it be such a coincidence that they met them just after they came out of the woods?

"Finally found you"

The first sentence of the meeting clarified the doubts in everyone's mind.

But what did he want them for?When he left, didn't he dislike them so much?She thought he would never have anything to do with them.

"It's rare, you actually found us"

Murong Li's tone became very strange. He was the one who desperately wanted to leave, but now he actually came to find them.

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