"I came here specially to find you this time.
Jing Sheng lowered his head. During this period of time, he thought about Feng Qining's words carefully. He admitted that although what she said was ugly, it did make sense. No matter how much he liked Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing didn't like him either.

It's too late for him to love. In front of him, there is someone who is no worse than him waiting for her. She will only consider him unless that person abandons her and doesn't want her anymore. Otherwise, he will never have a chance.

Knowing the sadness at the end, why don't you take your heart back in advance and make preparations early in the morning, so that there will be less heartache in the future.

"Oh, what are you looking for us for? Do you want to quarrel with us again?" [

Then let the horse come over, even if she can't quarrel with him, there are so many people around her, so is she still afraid of him?

"No, of course not, I'm here to apologize."

Jing Sheng's words caught Feng Qining by surprise, so she came to them to apologize?How big of a mistake did he make?

"You don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong, you just saw what you want clearly, and you just pursue what you want"

In this kind of thing, no one is right or wrong. Feelings are the most complicated thing in the world, and no one can criticize anyone.

Everyone loves in a different way, but some love is too heavy, and some people can't bear it. If you love him, you have to fulfill him. The world always thinks this kind of love is too rare, but sometimes you can't let go because you love too much.

Her happiness cannot be given by him, so who else can give it?Everyone chooses a different path and gets a different result, but feelings are like this, not every relationship, every love has a happy ending.

Reality is reality, not fairy tales, not whatever you want.

"But now I have figured it out, what belongs to me belongs to me, and what does not belong to me will never belong to me."

If it belongs to him, he must hold it tightly. If it doesn't belong to him, he can't hold it no matter how hard he tries. If this is the case, why bother to force it too much.

Feng Qining looked at Jing Sheng, she saw tolerance in his eyes, and she felt relieved.

Who said that the reason to let go is because you don't love deeply enough. If it's because of her, then he can't let go, but if he doesn't let go now, it will only cause a tragedy.

When he insisted on her, he pulled out in time.

"If you think about it, then you have to think about it. Why bother to apologize? I told you, you are not wrong. You don't need to apologize. The most important thing is to send Miss Zhou home after you figure it out."

She is a young lady, so she is definitely not used to running around like this.

"I think so too, but she must see me apologize to you and say that I shouldn't have said those things to you last time."

Feng Qining looked at Zhou Qing, who lowered his head slightly, and tugged on Jing Sheng's sleeve.

"I, I don't want your relationship to be ruined because of me, and I also heard that you have entered the Phantom Forest, so I am worried that you will come and have a look."

The news about their entry into the Phantom Forest might have been spread a long time ago, they only need to inquire about it a little, and Feng Qining is not surprised. [

"I, I, can I go with you again?"

Jing Sheng said this in a low voice. In fact, he was really embarrassed. He was the one who said to leave last time, and now he is the one who said he would come back.

Facts have proved that without him, even if they are hunted down, they can still live very well.

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