They never need anyone's help, and they never depend on others, they only depend on themselves.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"How about it?"

Feng Qining asked Murongli with her eyes, whether to stay or not, it is up to him to decide, she is afraid of causing troubles in the future, and she does not want to cause troubles like these again.

"Don't you want to train him to be a general beside Lancer?"

It's not her style to give up so easily. The Feng Qining he knew never gave in. [

"He is not worthy of my training"

Those who act impulsively are really not worthy of her cultivation, and her cultivation also cultivates those who are worth cultivating.

"All right"

Murongli turned to look at Yichu, Yichu looked at him indifferently, anyway, these people just met by chance for him, he wouldn't put too much emotion into it, if it wasn't for Feng Qining's consent before, he wouldn't want to bother No business.

"Miss Feng, can you forgive us?"

Zhou Qing also looked at her carefully. At the beginning, she also hated her in her heart. These are obviously her affairs, why did she intervene?After the incident was over, she saw Jing Sheng struggling.

Only then did she realize how much trouble she was constantly causing others. Feng Qining was right. If there is no future in the first place, then don't give others hope. It is not just one person but two people who are sad.

"I didn't blame you, I said, that's your choice, there's nothing wrong with it"

Feng Qining was a little helpless, she didn't know how many times she had said it, it was actually not her fault, and she never blamed them, it was just that sometimes their ideas were different, they thought, chose, and stood in different directions.

She is not so domineering, if she says that people don't agree with her ideas and opinions, she will hate them. She is ruthless but she will not do such idiotic things.

"You forgive us by saying that, and you agree that we will follow you?"

Zhou Qing grabbed Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining almost wanted to shake her off, she hated strangers touching her the most.

"It's still the old rules. You can follow us, but you can't cause trouble for us. If something happens, you have to go."

Zhou Qing nodded, it's good that such a thing happened once, she doesn't want to have a second time, the first time was so sad, who knows what it will be like the second time?

"Who is this?"

Jing Sheng looked at Lin Sheng, seeing his embarrassed appearance, curiosity appeared in Jing Sheng's eyes, this man is clearly a beggar, why would he be with them?

"Oh, just a random encounter"

Lin Sheng was a little depressed, why did this introduction never change?He's been with them for so long, and none of them regard him as a friend.

"Under the King's Rise" [

Jing Sheng cupped his fists at him, and upon hearing Jing Sheng's name, Lin Sheng spit out the dry food he had eaten.

"What are you doing?"

He looks so ugly, not to mention that he is rude and has no image at all.

"I'm too excited, sorry"

Embarrassment appeared on Lin Sheng's face, what is he doing?Can't he calm down when he does such a scandal in front of the person he wanted to see earlier in the morning?

"What are you excited about? It's not about seeing the emperor or something, you're so excited"

Feng Qining didn't understand, just seeing Jing Sheng, he was excited, but if he saw Lan Ding, wouldn't he burst into tears?

"No, I've heard of Mr. Jing's name a long time ago, but it's just a pity that I didn't have the chance to meet him."

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