It turns out that Jing Sheng has been wandering outside for the past few years, and he still has a bit of a reputation. Lin Sheng's current ranger situation is more or less related to Jing Sheng. He yearns for that kind of free life, but this kind of life has been too long. Suddenly it was boring.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

As Chengru Feng Qining said, if he can't beat him, he can escape, and he can leave in various ways, but that kind of boring life makes him feel bored, so he has the idea of ​​living another life.

"No name, no name"

Jing Sheng didn't expect that there were people here who knew him, so he was a little embarrassed. Before he met Feng Qining, he thought he was very powerful, but after getting to know Feng Qining, he felt that he couldn't even compare to a woman. I am ashamed.

"Oh, so he is still your idol. When this idol meets, do you want to talk more together?" [

Feng Qining looked up at the sky, the sun is so big, she is bored here with them, is she too bored?

"No need, let's hurry up"

Jing Sheng understands Feng Qining's temper more or less, she must be impatient now, this kind of weather is what she hates the most.

Because there is only one horse, everyone can only walk, but after walking for a long time, they still haven't seen anything like a city gate, Feng Qining feels that something is wrong.

I could still see people before, but after so long, no one has seen anyone.

"Where have we been?"

Feng Qining looked ahead, her brows were frowned, her face was very bitter, don't tell her, she was going the wrong way, could it be the biggest blow, after walking for a long time, the tea shed was closed No, and then suddenly, they went the wrong way.

Wouldn't that kill her?

"I don't know, isn't this the way to the city?"

Jing Sheng also started to feel confused, it should be, there is only one way, he shouldn't go wrong.

"Could it be? What I want to hear now is not whether but confirmation"

Feng Qining had the urge to kick him away, so she came to tell her at this time, couldn't he give her an affirmative answer?

"I, I don't know, logically speaking, this road can't go wrong"

Feng Qining looked at him with a smirk, it was reasonable, reasonable for his size, so many things were reasonable, but which one was correct?

"Calm down, we won't necessarily go wrong"

Jing Sheng accompanied the smiling face, but in fact he was also depressed, it was her intention to let him lead the way, why blame him for leading the way wrongly?

"Not necessarily, forget it, it's not wrong to go wrong, it's all here."

Feng Qining was already powerless to get angry with him, so she should save her energy and see where she could find a place to stay.

Facts have proved that Feng Qining's bad premonition came true again, and they did not find the town, so they could only spend one night in a ruined temple. [

"I hope it doesn't rain tonight"

Looking at the crumbling ruined temple, Lancer swallowed his saliva and said, in his opinion, the ruined temple is really no different from the outside, no, it should be said that it is even worse than the outside.

Because it is full of spider webs, this is not the most important thing, the important thing is that the spider webs are full of all kinds of bugs.

There are also some rags hanging on it, and the Bodhisattvas and the like inside have lost their hands and feet long ago, and there is a thick layer of dust on it, so it is impossible to see what they look like.

The moment she walked in, Feng Qining felt that she had reached the Pansi Cave.

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