Feng Qining was about to praise him, but her eyes were fixed on the wall behind the ruined temple.
"Brother, look at the crack, if I remember correctly, I didn't seem to see those things when I was cleaning"

Her memory has always been good, so she can be sure that the crack was not there when she cleaned it.

How did that crack come about?It doesn't happen by accident, does it?

Before Zhang Kai spoke, the crack became bigger and bigger, and finally, under Feng Qining's gaze, it collapsed. [

Feng Qining looked at this scene, blinked, blinked again, and finally she was sure that she was right.

"Brother, what do you want to do about this matter?"

It turned out that there were several holes in the back. It was estimated that someone was fighting here in the front. Unexpectedly, he did this trick again, and all the walls behind fell down.

"Ugh, I didn't expect this to happen"

In fact, he had forgotten that it was so vulnerable, and he came up with this method just to hurry up and clean it like they did, and he didn't know how long it would take.

Now he is tired and hungry, of course he came so soon.

"I don't want to do this anymore, what do you say?"

Yichu also came to gloat, seeing them like that, Zhang Kai really wanted to slap them to death.

He didn't add to the trouble when they caused trouble, but now that he has caused trouble, they have come to add to the trouble. This group of people really don't care about their feelings at all.

"I think it's God's idea, we're meant to be sleeping outside tonight"

Lancer was very happy when the wall fell down. In his opinion, living outside is better than living here. This building is simply dangerous. If the wind blows at night, it will fall down.

"It's destined to be a ghost, believe it or not, I will let you fix it later."

Lan Se immediately hid behind Murong Li. My mother didn't know what medicine she had taken wrong recently, and her temper was getting worse and worse.

"Murong, does mother have one?"

Lan Se quietly asked in Murong Li's ear.

"Why ask that?"

Murong Li's eyes became very strange.

"Think about it, my mother is so young, it must not be the menopause she said. She said before that pregnant women are also very unreasonable. Now it seems that there is only one possibility, and that is that she has it."

Murong Li smiled, "Feng, your son said you have it."

Murong Li's words made Feng Qining unable to react for a moment.

She has, what do you mean?

"What has it? What have I got?"

Forgive Feng Qining, she has never been pregnant, so her brain didn't think about that.

Murong Li raised her forehead, when did her reaction become so bad?

"That means you're pregnant."

Now that Feng Qining understood, she immediately looked at Lan Se angrily.

"Son, what do you mean by this sentence? Can you explain it more clearly?"

Lan Se looked at Murong Li very sadly, this person is really bad, he even sued his mother, wait, don't let him fall into his hands, otherwise he will definitely not let him go.

"No, I just care about my mother. What if I accidentally have one?"

"No such event"

Did he think they hadn't thought of it?Every time after that, Murong Li would let her take medicine. At this time, there are children, and they are running for their lives. Having children means two lives.

Neither Murong Li nor Feng Qining can afford this danger.

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