
Lan Se, a bastard, actually asked such a question, Feng Qining really wanted to knock him away with one palm. www>

"Where are there so many why, you should clean up for me right now"

Feng Qining sent Lan Se away, and she breathed a sigh of relief, she would really not be able to stand him if he continued to ask a hundred thousand why.

"Drink" [

Murong Li handed a cup of tea to Feng Qi Ning, Feng Qi Ning drank it without looking at it, only after drinking did she remember, why is there a cup here?

Looking down, where is this cup?It's just a broken bowl, and there is a little red paint on the edge of the bowl.

"Limei, where did you get this?"

The most important thing is where is there water nearby?

"Of course I picked it up. How else can I come to this place other than picking it up? But don't worry, there is a river here, and I have already washed it there"

Finally someone reliable, Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief, if everyone around her was unreliable, how would she live?

There are many people and strength, and the ruined temple was quickly cleaned up. Feng Qining and the others without quilts lay casually on the ground, separated by rags, with Murong Li and others at one end, and Zhou Qing and Feng Qining at the other end. Qi Ning Zhou Qing looked at the rag, no matter how she looked at it, she felt a little unreliable.

"Go to sleep, they won't do anything to you."

Feng Qining closed her eyes, but Murong Li was very sad, it was like this every time, after that woman came, he couldn't sleep with Feng.

Originally, his life was very beautiful, surrounded by beauties, and he could steal fragrance from time to time, but with Zhou Qing here, he didn't have this opportunity.

"I'm not afraid of them coming, I'm just afraid of the rain here"

Zhou Qing looked at the roof, and he could still see the stars from inside. There was also a big hole in the back. Although it was covered by the cloth, the moonlight still slipped in.

Most importantly, she could hear the sound of tiles falling from time to time.

This is clearly a harbinger of heavy rain.

"Don't talk nonsense, the moon is still outside, how could there be heavy rain?"

Feng Qining was trying to comfort herself. In fact, she felt a little lucky in her heart. Of course, she hid in this ruined temple to avoid the wind and rain. If even a little bit of wind and rain couldn't stop her, then what was she doing here?

"It might be, I think it's going to rain"

Zhou Qing sat up, put his hands on his knees and looked up at the sky.

Facts have proved once again that when good things don't happen, bad things are always easy to achieve. [

When I slept until midnight, it really started to rain, so let it rain, as Feng Qining thought, this ruined temple can keep out a little bit of wind and rain.

It really can only block a little bit, the rainwater leaked from the roof, just dripping onto Feng Qining's face.

"Do you want to be so unlucky?"

Feng Qining asked the sky speechlessly, it was wrong, it should have asked the roof speechlessly.

There are so many places not to be missed, but this is where she sleeps. Does God want to mess with her like this?

"I told you it was going to rain"

Lancer looked at the roof very happily, let's see, let's see, he is right, he said it will rain, and it will rain.

"If you don't say a word, you will die"

Feng Qining slapped her paw, why couldn't he say something nice?He always said things like this, did he think they were not unlucky enough?

"Okay, I won't say it, but it's the truth."

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