"No, I didn't mean that"

Murong Li actually wanted to say that that was what he meant, but it seemed like it would hurt others too much, so he decided to tell a lie.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

Zhou Qing felt a little better. If he really said that he wanted her to die, then she would definitely die of depression.

Yichu's hand just touched Feng Qining's waist, and Feng Qining pulled him out.

Yichu was even more embarrassed than them, her head was covered in mud, Feng Qining looked at them, it was really uncomfortable to be half buried in the soil, so she decided to crawl out. [

Feng Qining propped her hands beside her, and she came out with a light jump. Her foot had just stepped on Lin Sheng's head. Poor Lin Sheng just got up when Feng Qining stepped on her. .

"I just hit something"

Feng Qining looked at the ground, but there was nothing, except dirt, which was still dirt.

After Feng Qining came out, Murong Li and the others also came out one after another. Feng Qining looked, it seemed that there was someone missing.


Could it be that he died below?

"I'm fine, he shouldn't die down here, right?"

Zhou Qing also took a look below, he shouldn't be so inferior, right?She can crawl out, but he can't.

"Girl, you have to believe that you are definitely smarter than him"

After finally crawling out, Lin Sheng heard these words, and he tried his best to stretch out his hand to show his existence.

"I, I'm here"

Lancer was the closest to him and pulled him out easily.

"You are really useless, you only come out at this time"

Zhou Qing had been out for a while before he came out. He really couldn't even compare to a weak woman.

"It's not because of you"

Lin Sheng looked at Feng Qining accusingly, Feng Qining looked at him inexplicably, what did she do?Why is he looking at her like that?

"Me, what did I do?"

Unexpectedly refusing to admit it, Lin Sheng looked at her with trembling fingers: "Didn't you just say that you stepped on something?"


Feng Qining thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Could it be, I guessed it was you?"

Lin Sheng nodded with difficulty, she stepped on his head, although not very hard, but his neck was crooked, and he couldn't move underneath, almost suffocated underneath.

"What's the matter with your neck?"

Seeing his neck tilted, Jing Sheng reached out to touch it, and Lin Sheng immediately yelled in pain.

He must be on purpose, didn't you see that his neck was crooked?Does he feel that he is not suffering enough, so he is increasing his suffering?

"Don't worry, with Rimei here, your neck will be fine soon"

Feng Qining wiped the water from her face, she felt that the mood was very strange, they were standing here chatting, not to mention it was midnight, it was still raining.

With a "click", Lin Sheng cried out in pain, and then Murong Li let go of his neck.

"Don't bark, you always bark like that, I think you are weaker than a weak woman"

Feng Qining glanced at Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing immediately raised his head and stood in front of Lin Sheng, Lin Sheng pointed at her, and then at himself.

Well, he admits that Feng Qining is right, he seems to be weaker than a weak woman, but it seems that he has something to do with her, right?

"Okay, it's okay, let's leave quickly, standing here and showering, it's easy to get sick"

Feng Qining wanted to stop Yichu's words, but it was too late.

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