I hope it won't come true this time, Feng Qining prayed, she really doesn't understand why every time, good things don't work and bad things don't work. www>

When everyone was there, Feng Qining and the others left, but they deserved to be unlucky, after walking so far, they couldn't see a single family.

Not only did the rain not intend to stop, but it seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, the bean-heavy rain hurt her body, Feng Qining looked up at the sky.

"I'm so unlucky, you still won't let me go?"

It has given her so much suffering, why just refuse to give her a little luck? [

"You are very lucky. Look at the many people around you. No matter how hard you suffer, you are not alone but so many people are with you. What do you dislike?"

Zhou Qing comforted her, but she didn't know how enviable her life was, so many people regarded her as a princess.

"With so many of you together, what else can hinder you?"

She envied her very much. She was surrounded by so many people. If she wanted wind and rain, even if there were difficulties, if she didn't want to, the people around her would solve them.

"Yeah, we'll always be by your side"

Murong Li hugged Feng Qining's waist, and put her head on Feng Qining's shoulder.

Feng Qining put on a smile on her face, yes, she is the luckiest, there are so many people around her, and she has been favored by so many people, this is the best luck God has given her.

"Okay, let's hurry up, it doesn't feel good to be in the rain here"

Others say that being in the rain is the most romantic, but in fact, only those who have been in the rain know that being in the rain is not romantic at all, even if the rain hurts the body, it is still embarrassing.

"Why does it keep raining"

Feng Qining looked up at the sky, it's been so long, why doesn't it stop raining?

"Hurry up, I'm afraid the rain won't stop so quickly"

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's hand, her body temperature was already low, but after being drenched in water, it became even lower.

"I can't walk anymore"

Lancer wiped the water off his face. He couldn't remember how long he had been walking, and his legs were so weak after walking for so long.

"I feel like I can't walk anymore"

Feng Qining also stopped, it was almost dawn, if she remembered correctly, they had left since midnight, it was already dawn, and they hadn't seen a single house yet.

Yichu sneezed suddenly, Feng Qining stopped, she turned to look at him.

"Brother Yi, what's the matter with you?"

Yichu shook his body, "Don't you guys feel a little cold?"

Feng Qining shook her head, she felt that her body temperature was almost the same as that of the rainwater.

"If she was colder, she would be inhuman"

"Rimi, your hands are indeed very warm."

Feng Qining still didn't understand Murongli's words, Murongli kept holding her hand, which made her feel very warm.

"I feel like I'm getting a cold"

"You did catch a cold"

Murong Li glanced at him, but what if he caught a cold?They still have to find a place to stay first.

After the rain stopped, the sun came out, Feng Qining and the others stopped.

Yichu fell ill, Feng Qining and the others rushed to take care of him.

Here, there is no medicine, no dry clothes, Feng Qining is a little anxious, at this time, an old lady is passing by here.

"Ma'am, may I ask if there is any medical center near here?"

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