Yichu told a fact lightly, seeing his behavior, Lancer pointed at him, and finally resigned to his fate and left. www>

This person, if he doesn't help him, he will most likely ask Feng Qining to deal with him.

Before he reached the kitchen, Lancer smelled a fragrance, and all the gluttons in his stomach came out immediately.

Walking to the door, they found Murongli and Feng Qining leaning together, Zhou Qing was standing aside, and the aunt was in charge of the cook.

"Look, I don't have anything to eat here. You are guests and I want you to eat wild vegetables"[

The aunt really felt embarrassed, she invited them here herself, and now there is no food, she thought there was a chicken, but her son ate it.

"It doesn't matter, you come down here and cook for us yourself. We should be grateful. To be honest, we have traveled for many days and haven't eaten for a long time."

Don't tell me, I don't know, but when I said it, Feng Qining herself was taken aback, it turns out that so many days have passed without knowing it.

How did she survive those days of eating dry food?

"You've come a long way to get here"

The aunt took a look at them. This group of people did not look like ordinary people, and they might have lost their way.

"Yeah, we originally wanted to go to the city, but we didn't expect to go the other way"

Speaking of this, Feng Qining complained about Jing Sheng again, that person always led them in the wrong direction, if he didn't know, he didn't know, and he still didn't admit it, insisting on giving them some wrong information.

"Hehe, many people go the wrong way. In fact, when you go to the city, you go straight ahead, and then you see that small fork in the road, just go up the fork."

Small fork in the road?Feng Qining is a little helpless, this is the official road, and usually you can walk along the official road to the city, but here is just the opposite, the official road does not go to the city, so what's the use of this official road use?

"I know, you must be wondering what this official path is for"

The aunt seemed to have seen through their thoughts, Feng Qining and Murong Li exchanged glances, this aunt is also amazing, she can actually see through their thoughts.

"Actually, this official road was not established by the government, but by businessmen who passed by with their own money."

It turned out that this road was going to the imperial capital, and businessmen from all over the country pooled their own money to open a road for convenience.

"The government here is so evil, how can they open the way for us?"

The aunt shook her head, their place is remote, it would take two days and two nights to walk to the city, and there was no one around, so how could the people from the government open the way for them?

"Walking for two days and two nights?"

Feng Qining had the urge to faint, what exactly is this place, and why did she have to walk for so long?

"Ma'am, who here has horses to buy?"

This walking is really killing people, it is more practical to buy a horse.

"The people here are all poor people. How can there be horses? Few people even have cattle."

They plow the fields with their own labor. If there is no labor in the family, they will not even have food.

"Not even a cow?"

Feng Qining's eyes widened, so what should they do?It's just that Jingsheng has a horse here.

"Isn't there a passing merchant here? If you give me some money, they are willing to take you to the city."

The aunt came up with an idea for them, Feng Qining's eyes lit up, why didn't she think of this idea?

"Now we don't have to worry"

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