The aunt smiled: "You don't have to worry, even if the businessman is not going to the city, if you ask them to give you a ride, you will arrive in the city soon."

The aunt's words completely put Feng Qining at ease, she had nothing else to worry about, and Feng Qining's eyes began to focus on other places.
"Ma'am, your cooking looks really good"

Feng Qining's words are absolutely honest, if she is allowed to do it, she may not be able to reach this level in her life.

"That's because you seldom do it. If you are a hard worker like us, you may do better than me" [

Feng Qining looked at her clothes, she was very ordinary, how could she tell that she was not a child of ordinary people?

"Girl, don't hide it from me. Did you elope? But, how come so many men follow you when you elope?"

Gossip flashed in the aunt's eyes. Looking into aunt's eyes, Feng Qining was really helpless. I don't know how many people asked her this question along the way. Every time she said that she and them were relatives, no one believed her. .

"Ma'am, you think too much"

Feng Qining smiled stiffly, she had explained this question too many times, and she didn't even bother to explain it.

"I see, they must have eloped with you, right?"

The aunt looked at her clearly, and the ambiguous and gossiping eyes of the aunt made Feng Qi Ning vomit blood, where did she come to such a conclusion?

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that many people liked my aunt when she was young. At that time, I was a flower in our village."

A flower in the village?Feng Qining looked at the aunt, coarse linen clothes, bucket waist, big cake face, could this be a flower?

Is she the only woman in the village?Of course, Feng Qining would not say such things. Now she is still living in someone else's house, how could she be hurt like this?

"Hehe, I can see it"

Murong Li said something against his will, Feng Qining and Zhou Qing looked at him at the same time, this person is really not simple, he can say such things against his will, what else is he afraid to say?

"Did you see it too? In fact, there are still many people saying that I am young. It is a pity that there are so many people, but I chose such a poor one."

The aunt sighed, as if she was sighing because she didn't know people clearly, and she seemed to be sighing because of her miserable fate.

Seeing her like this, Feng Qining and Murong Li looked at each other, is this to comfort or not to comfort?

Just when Feng Qining wanted to comfort her, the old lady recovered quickly.

"Fortunately, he treats me very well. If he treats me badly, I will definitely leave him"

Feng Qining was speechless, Murong Li patted her on the shoulder, this aunt must have been lonely for a long time, usually there is no one to talk to, now a few people have finally come, she must want to say everything in her heart .

"Hehe, as long as he treats you well, although life is a bit difficult, you must be very happy"

The aunt admitted that she had a happy smile on her face: "Yeah, although we have no money, we are living a very happy life. It's kind of good. The first thing he thinks of is me."

Looking at the aunt's smile, Feng Qi Ning narrowed her eyes, that kind of smile is no worse than that of any rich person, the amount of happiness cannot actually be measured by the amount of money.

There are some happiness that money can never buy.

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