“Vegetables almost burnt”

Zhou Qing screamed, they were so focused on talking that they even forgot to cook.
Feng Qining looked at the pot, the originally beautiful vegetables were burnt because they forgot to turn them over.

"Look at me, made it like this"

Auntie is sorry, she forgot to make it like this for a while, and the dish that was originally beautiful was made like this by him. [

"It doesn't matter"

Feng Qining struggled to say such a sentence, why would she ask so much for someone to take care of them?

There are only some wild vegetables here, and the wild vegetables are burnt, so they can only eat the burnt vegetables.

Yichu looked at the things in the basin, his face looked as if he had eaten a fly.

"Can you tell me what these things are?"

Yichu swallowed his saliva and asked, in fact, he really wanted to ask, if they wanted to murder him, he couldn't move now, if they wanted to kill him, it really wouldn't take so much trouble.

"These are vegetables. Miss Zhou and I spent an hour getting them here."

Feng Qining answered quite naturally, and listening to her words, Yichu pointed at the dark dishes with trembling fingers: "Ning'er, tell me honestly, are these your masterpieces?"

"I didn't do that."

Feng Qining stared, looking at his behavior, what happened to her, would she poison him?of course not.

"Who did that, and why is it so similar to what you did?"

Feng Qining wanted to knock him to death with a spatula, but what did he say?

"Mr. Yi, you really misunderstood Miss Feng. This was made by the aunt, because she only cared about chatting with us, so she became like this."

Zhou Qing explained to him that Yichu thought about the aunt's appearance, and no matter how she thought about it, she didn't think she was someone who could cook such a meal.

"Brother Yi, you'd better eat obediently, your current body can't afford not to eat."

But eating these things, I'm afraid he will die sooner, Yichu fiddled with the things in the bowl, it was nothing but ashes, where was there any trace of green vegetables?

"Ning'er, are you sure you're not trying to murder me?"

Yichu still asked uncertainly, seeing his dawdling appearance, Feng Qi condensed her anger, took the bowl in his hand, and stuffed a handful of vegetables into her mouth.

As soon as she stuffed it into her mouth, Feng Qining spit out the dish, and Yichu in front of her was unfortunately shot. [

"Ning'er, I'm sure this time, you did it on purpose."

Yichu wiped the sweat off her face, Feng Qining smiled in embarrassment, she, can she say that she didn't do it on purpose, it's really that this dish is too unpalatable, no, this food is simply not for human consumption, the taste How unpalatable it is.

"Forget it, if you can't eat it, don't eat it."

Murong Li took the bowl from Feng Qining's hand.

Yichu looked at them pitifully, his stomach was empty and his head was still dizzy, could they bear to see him like this?

"I'm going to see what else I can eat."

Feng Qining took Murong Li out, Lan Se looked at the contents of the bowl, and followed her out.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw Jing Sheng walking in with a bowl in her hand. Feng Qining walked away so quickly that the two almost bumped into each other.

"what are you doing?"

Jing Sheng protected the bowl in his hand, as if protecting some treasure.

"What's in your bowl?"

If she remembered correctly, there was only one pot of that dish, where did he get another pot?

"No, nothing."

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