Mother just can't see others being smarter than her!

When Feng Qining and the others went in, the big man had already changed his clothes and healed the wounds on his body. His head was injured a little, so he had to wrap it with gauze.
"Ma'am, let me tell you, he'll be fine, didn't he lie to you?"

"Yeah, the girl is right, I still don't know how to thank you"

The aunt said that she was about to kneel down for them, Feng Qining hurriedly supported her: "Auntie, what are you doing? How can I bear such a big gift?" [

"If it weren't for you, our family would have died."

The aunt gave her husband a bitter look. He actually tried to be brave and wanted to kill the boa constrictor. It turned out that the boa constrictor lived in a lake not far from the village.

It eats people, and some women who went to wash clothes by the lake were buried in its belly. From then on, no one in their village dared to wash clothes by the lake, but the boa constrictor actually ran ashore and went to the homes of people near the lake. eat human.

"There used to be quite a lot of people in our village, but since it appeared, people have been walking and dying. Some people discussed killing it, but in the end they didn't kill it. Instead, they sent their own lives away."

Since then, no one dared to kill it again.

"Today, he told me that he was going to go hunting in the mountains, but unexpectedly he went to kill it."

The aunt wiped her tears. He didn't tell her such a big thing, and she didn't know if he died.

"I don't want you to worry."

The big man sighed, looking at his somewhat vicissitudes face, Feng Qining held Murongli's hand tightly, this kind of feeling was exactly what she envied, maybe she didn't have much money, maybe she had to worry about three meals, but the two held hands Walk through, there is nothing better than this.

"Don't let me worry, then why do you come back like this? If you come back like this, I won't worry?"

The big man's words made the aunt yell at him, why didn't he think about it, how would their mother and son live without him?

"But don't kill it, it will kill us sooner or later"

The big man sighed, if he could, how could he take risks?This is not impossible, he has been rooted here for generations, moved away, and has nowhere to go, so he can only think of a way to kill it, but he didn't kill it, but it caught up to the shore instead.

"If we want to die, we will die together, you don't have to take risks alone"

The aunt threw herself on the big man and cried bitterly: "I have been married to you for so long, and I haven't enjoyed a single day of happiness, but now you want to abandon us, why are you so cruel?"

Looking at this scene, Feng Qining and the others did not speak.

"Okay, isn't it all right now? Don't cry, he's just hurt a little and he'll be fine soon"

Zhou Qing comforted the aunt, and the aunt got up from the big man.

"Sorry, I made you laugh." [

"It's ok"

Zhou Qing shook his head, the aunt was crying and laughing, seeing her like this, Feng Qining also laughed.

"Okay, don't cry, he's fine, with Li Meiren here, he'll be fine"

Feng Qining assured her.

"Yeah, the boa constrictor was also killed, you don't have to worry about it, it will be fine in the future"

Zhou Qing handed the aunt a cup of tea, and the aunt gave them a grateful look: "Fortunately, there are you, if it weren't for you, I don't know what to do."

If Feng Qining hadn't killed the snake, their family would probably be dead now.

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