"Okay, don't cry, we will have barbecue later"

Speaking of this, Feng Qining was very happy. Not long after eating, she felt hungry and almost starved to death.Fiction Rankings
"Where did you get the meat?"

Murong Li wondered, if there was meat, did they need to eat vegetables just now?

"Didn't you just kill a snake?" [

Murong Li suddenly realized that she had actually set her mind on which snake, but he admitted that this was a good idea.

"Mother, you don't have to worry, I think uncle must be hungry now, let's make some meat now"

"it is good"

The aunt glanced at the man, and then walked out.

"Li Meiren, will he be okay?"

Feng Qining looked at the man, who smiled honestly: "I'm fine, don't you believe in your family's medical skills?"

"That's right, I helped to read it, can't you rest assured?"

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining and pushed her towards the door, Lan Se looked at the man who was in love, and he also smiled at him.

"Rest well, we'll see you later"

The man had long wished that they had left as soon as possible. Just now the aunt was holding him and crying, and her head was injured again, so she felt very tired.

"Wouldn't it be nice for us to leave him there alone like this?"

Zhou Qing looked back, they just left a patient there, isn't it very bad?

"If you feel bad, then you can stay here with him"

After Zhang Kai said this, Zhou Qing walked faster than him, looking at her back, Zhang Kai shook his head, what a girl, she failed to imitate Feng Qining.

Of course, Zhang Kai would never say these words, if Feng Qining knew that he thought so, she would definitely beat him into a pig's head.

When Zhou Qing walked out, Feng Qining and the others had already fixed the shelf.

"Don't wait for me"

Zhou Qing walked up to Feng Qining, Feng Qining threw a piece of snake meat to her, Zhou Qing looked at the meat in his hand, after peeling the skin, the snake became less scary.

"Here, how to do this?" [

There is nothing, do you want her to bake it by hand?


Feng Qining handed her a stick, Zhou Qing looked at the stick in his hand, can this be used?If she read it correctly, this one was obtained from an unknown tree next to it.

"Don't worry about using it, Rimei has tested it, this is not poisonous"

When Feng Qining said this, Zhou Qing felt relieved. She imitated their example and put the wooden stick through the meat. As soon as she put it on the shelf, the stick fell off.

"You are really inferior"

Feng Qining picked it up with a stick, intending to pick out the meat, but to her surprise, she used too much force, and the meat flew aside.

Lancer's barbecue was roasting fragrantly, but unexpectedly, something hit him, and then there was a mark on his clothes. When he lowered his head, the tiger and leopard were squatting at his feet.

"Little cat? It's not the first time we've met, you actually gave me such a big meeting gift"

Lan Se lowered his head and glared at the tiger and leopard, didn't Feng Qining send it away?Why is it showing up again?

Lancer looked at the meat in his hand, and immediately understood that it must have smelled the meat.

"Haha, son, you're really second, didn't you realize that wasn't the paw print of a kitten?"

Lancer looked down, and it seemed that it was not. Where did it come from?

Lan Se looked at Feng Qining, and Zhou Qing shrunk her neck. According to her understanding of them, these people definitely blamed outsiders and would not blame their own family members.

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