Zhou Qing's appearance of doing something wrong immediately attracted Lancer's suspicion. He looked at him sharply, feeling Lancer's gaze, and Zhou Qing was afraid.Passionate picture feast
"I, I didn't mean to"

After thinking about it, Zhou Qing still felt that it was better to apologize, otherwise it would be even more difficult for him to care about it later.

"If you feel sorry, why don't you help him wash his clothes?"

Feng Qining made an idea from the side, Zhou Qing thought it was good, she looked up at Lan Se, Lan Se quickly stopped: "No, I can't bear it" [

It's better for him to do it himself if she wants her to do the washing. Besides, some people might be jealous, Lan Se subconsciously glanced at Jing Sheng.

"I have no objection, don't get me wrong"

When did you become so generous?Feng Qining also looked at him suspiciously, he didn't look like he didn't care.

"You didn't take the wrong medicine, did you?"

Feng Qining looked at Jing Sheng, in fact, she wondered if someone had transmigrated into his body, otherwise how could a person change so much before and after.

"You just took the wrong medicine"

Jing Sheng was a little angry at Feng Qining's words, what did she mean by those words?Taking the wrong medicine, when did he take the wrong medicine?

"Okay, since you don't need other people's help, then you can wash it yourself. You are too depressed. You eat meat. Even if Feng doesn't get it, you will meet it later."

Murong Li's words made Lan Se look at Feng Qining, did she get it?

"Mother, what's going on?"

Feng Qi stared at Murong Li, this person insists on confessing himself, can't he say a few words less?

"Okay, I admit it, this is my masterpiece"

Feng Qining shrugged her shoulders, and admitted it generously, it's such a big deal, just admit it, it's not a big deal.

"Mother, I don't seem to have offended you, do I?"

Lancer looked at the mark on his chest. Although he didn't care, it was really ugly where the mark was. They were all clean, but he was the only one who was dirty. Others thought he didn't like to be clean by nature. .

"If you keep talking, then you will really offend me. Believe it or not, I will get another one on your clothes."

Feng Qining raised the meat in her hand, Lan Se resolutely remained silent, he believed that Feng Qining could definitely do such a thing, in this world, there were only things she didn't want to do, there was absolutely nothing she dared not do.

"Okay, don't be depressed, Feng is like this, if you are so angry, you will only anger yourself."

Zhang Kai patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. [

"I'm not angry, I just think we spoiled my mother, she seems to be getting more and more willful"

A piece of hot meat was held up in front of Lan Se, Lan Se raised his head, and what he saw was Feng Qining's angry face.

"Son, what did I find out, you actually spoke ill of me behind my back"

Just say it, and still say it at such a close distance, it is impossible for her not to hear it.

"Mother, your ears are deaf, I never said anything."

Feng Qining didn't care so much, she patted him with her paw, and after the pat, she happily ate her own barbecue.

Zhang Kai slowly turned around and snickered, Feng Qining is getting more and more willful, she is getting more and more mischievous.

While eating the barbecue, Feng Qining suddenly remembered something.

"Li Meiren, brother Yi seems to be still sick, he doesn't seem to be able to eat barbecue, can he?"

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