"What do you want to do?"

He is still a patient, so she doesn't want to provoke others. Seeing his nervous appearance, Feng Qining is dissatisfied: "Li Mei, what kind of eyes do you have? It seems that I will harm him."

She won't harm anyone if she harms him. She just thinks it's a pity that he can't eat such delicious meat. www>

"What smells so good?"

Feng Qining sniffed, what did she smell?It seems to be meat, but it seems to be different from the meat in her hand. [

"It seems to come from there"

Murong Li also raised her head, and when she looked up, she saw something green in the aunt's hand.

"Ma'am, what is this?"

Feng Qining also asked Murong Li's question, the aunt rolled over the things in her hands, and replied without raising her head: "This, it's snake gallbladder."

Can snake gall be roasted?Feng Qining was surprised, she had only heard of barbecue and the like, but she had never heard of grilled snake gallbladder.

"Ma'am, can this be eaten?"

Feng Qining pointed at the snake gall suspiciously. She watched TV, and the martial arts dramas on it always said that snake gall detoxifies, but she just asked Murong Li, and it was all a lie. Snake is the king of all poisons. Its body is full of poison. Snake gallbladder is a good thing to prescribe medicine, but it needs to be treated specially. If it is not treated, if it is eaten like this, not only will it not be able to detoxify, but it may even be poisoned.

"Of course it can be eaten, not only can it be eaten, but it is also delicious."

The aunt picked up the snake gall and put it between her nose and smelled it, the intoxicated look made Feng Qining a little goosebumps.

The snake gall looks green, no matter how you look at it, it feels a bit scary. Although it smells good, the bile inside is fatal.

"Do you want it? If you want it, I can give you half of it"

Feng Qining refused without even thinking about it: "No need."

She is most afraid of suffering, no matter how delicious the food is, she will not eat it.

"This food is very good, you can forget it if you don't eat it"

For Feng Qining's ignorance, the aunt is a little helpless, looking at the child-like aunt, Feng Qining is a little funny, and sure enough, the more people live, the more they go back.

After a while, the aunt finished roasting the snake gall, and she carefully put it into a basin and brought it into the house.

"Li beauty, what is she going to do?"

The aunt's strange behavior aroused Feng Qining's curiosity. Could it be that she planned to give the snake gall to her husband?

"Whatever is on your mind"[

Does he know what she's thinking?

Sure enough, Feng Qining's guess was right, the aunt just took the snake gall to her husband to eat.

It turned out that they all heard that the snake gall was a great tonic. She saw that no one took it, so she gave the snake gall to her husband to eat.

Seeing the aunt carefully serving her husband-in-law, Feng Qining's eyes were full of envy. It's really rare that their relationship is still so good after so long.

The relationship between her, Hull and him is probably no longer a simple love. After such a long period of sublimation, the love has long since become a family relationship.

"Limei, do you think we can go that far?"

Feng Qining leaned against Murong Li.

"Why not? If we want to, we can"

There are many things that she can't just think about. For example, she wants to go back to see her parents now, but after so long, she can't find the way back.

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