"Why are you all here?"

As soon as the aunt came out, she saw that Feng Qining and her gang were all here, and she immediately felt very embarrassed. She was originally from a mountain village, and she was very reserved about some intimate actions. Now that they are all here, she feels that she As if doing something bad.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Don't be sorry, we didn't see anything"

Feng Qining came out to resolve it, but it was as if she hadn't said what she said, and the aunt's face turned red in an instant.

"Feng, just say a few words less"

Feng Qining glared at him dissatisfied, what did she say?She was just comforting her, is that wrong?

"Okay, we heard nothing wrong, let's continue to barbecue"

Murong Li took Feng Qining away first, and Feng Qining looked at him dissatisfied.

"Limei, what are you doing, what have I done?"

"Aren't you embarrassed to see that aunt? If you say that again, doesn't it mean that you have heard everything?"

Well, Feng Qining admitted that she did it on purpose, but that's nothing, she doesn't have to be so reserved.

"We do things like that every day, and they have long been used to it, so there is nothing strange about it."

Feng Qining disdains, seeing her like that, Murong Li is helpless, this person is indeed becoming more and more willful.

"Okay, at most I won't say anything in the future."

Feng Qining assured her that Murong Li shook her head, but he didn't understand what good it would be for her to say that.

"Limei, speaking of it, I haven't had a bridal chamber yet, if I could have a quarrel, that would be great."

Feng Qining suddenly came up with such an idea, expectancy appeared on her face, it's not good to be harassed by others, but it should be very good to be harassed in other people's bridal chamber.

"Feng, you want to be more practical. How can there be a bridal chamber to make trouble for you in this place?"

Here he and she are a couple, but they have been married a long time ago, even if they are not married, the trouble in the bridal chamber is caused by others, when will it be their turn to trouble others.

"Is there anyone here who is getting married soon or is about to get married soon? If there is, maybe we can make a fuss."

Feng Qi Ning made a heart shape with her hands, her eyes were still shining with anticipation, it must be very good to be in someone else's bridal chamber.

"I'll go ask my aunt"

Seeing that Murong Li had nothing, Feng Qining tossed her hair and left, the speed was so fast that Murong Li couldn't stop her even if she wanted to.

"smell good"[

As soon as she walked in, Feng Qining smelled another fragrance, what kind of fragrance is it, and why is it so fragrant?

"Why is the meat the same, but the taste of the copy is different?"

Feng Qining looked at the meat in her hands, the difference shouldn't be so big, right?

"Mother, it's because you don't have the skills"

Lan Se said arrogantly, looking at his proud face, Feng Qining stuffed the meat in his hand into his mouth without thinking much, and then snatched the meat from his hand.

"It's normal for a son to honor his mother"

When snatching it over, Feng Qining said such a sentence quite naturally.

"Look, I told you not to be frightened, but if you don't listen, then the joy will turn into sorrow."

Jing Sheng shook his head, as if regretting, Lan Se glared at him, "I'm happy, can you care?"

So what if you like it or not?The facts are all like this, can he still snatch it from her?

"Son, the roast is really good, by the way, I will bake one for your father too"

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