His father?When did he have a father?Wrong, isn't his father not here?Lancer vomited blood, it was not enough to serve her alone, why should he serve him?He doesn't do it.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"If you are told to bake, you will bake. You are a chef, and it is your duty to serve the public"

Feng Qining was fooling Lan Se again, and Lan Se flattened her mouth to complete what she had told her.

Feng Qining, who had eaten the meat, ran to Murongli's side again, her happy smile also infected the people around her, and the atmosphere that was a bit intoxicated slowly became happy because of Feng Qining's dealings.

That's right, at the beginning, everyone was so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs, and they had no energy at all, and they couldn't get enough to eat. How could they have the energy to play?Now that I am almost full, I naturally have strength. [

"Why don't you get me one too"

Zhang Kai looked at him expectantly, Lancer didn't even glance at him, he thought he was really a chef.

"If you want to eat, you can make it yourself"

"You have helped so many people get it done, and I'm not bad at all."

Zhang Kai was a little dissatisfied with Lancer's stinginess, anyway, he has helped him before, so he can help him now, can't he?

"But if you don't get one for you, I'll have a little more time"

He would have time to taste the meat he made. Lancer picked up the meat and was about to put it under his nose to smell it. Zhang Kai quickly grabbed the meat from his hand.

"Let me try it for you, and make another copy yourself"

Looking at the piece of meat snatched by Zhang Kai, Lancer looked at his empty hand again, gave him an angry look, and finally picked up another piece of meat resignedly.

When he finished roasting, Jing Sheng wanted to learn Zhang Kai's method. This time, Lancer had already taken protective measures, and when he saw Jing Sheng stretching out his hand, he protected the meat well.

"Do you want to be so stingy, you have already done so many people, why is it that I am the only one left?"

"Everyone says that, am I the only one left when you eat?"

Would he do something stupid like that?Of course, he will plan on them when he is full.

"Forget it, it's better to ask yourself than to ask others"

Jing Sheng gave Lan Se a resentful look, but Lan Se didn't care about him, it was lively here, and so was Feng Qining's side.

"Ma'am, I don't see that you are so good at grilling meat."

Feng Qining took the meat from the aunt's hand, she grasped the timing really well, she finished it right after she finished eating, how could there be such a timely thing?

"Hehe, I don't understand other things, but I still understand this."

The aunt looked at Feng Qining, her eyes were a little strange, Feng Qining was a little confused about her eyes. [

Suddenly, why did she just look at her like this? What happened?

"Auntie, you can ask whatever you want, if it's not something difficult, I can answer you"

The aunt's eyes lit up because of Feng Qining's words, as if what she was waiting for was her words.

"Girl, I want to ask you, how did you choose your husband-in-law among so many handsome men?"

Feng Qining is embarrassing, so many questions, why did she just ask this?

Those people seem to be very interested in this question.

"Is this important?"

She likes him, so she is with him. It's a very simple reason, so there's no need to say anything.

"Of course it's important. I think other people are also very good. There are so many men who like you. Was it difficult when you chose?"

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