It's not difficult, Feng Qining shook her head: "Some people just met me later, and some don't like me, not all the people here like me"

This aunt said, as if she has a lot of people like her, how can she have a lot of people like her?Just a few.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Even if some of them were met later, there are still a few more. Did you like him from the beginning? Have you liked him for so long?"

The aunt did not intend to let Feng Qining go, and Feng Qining's face flushed a little after hearing the aunt's questioning.

These are considered to be her own emotional matters, if it were someone else, she would certainly not be willing to share them, but seeing the look in the eyes of the aunt now, Feng Qining couldn't say anything cruel. [

Can she reject her loudly?Or yell at her like an enemy, she is just an ordinary woman, isn't it too much for her to do this?

"Oh, I see, you must have liked someone else"

This sentence, the aunt yelled very loudly, listening to her words, Feng Qining is so depressed, can't she be a little more reserved?She was shy when I saw her just now, why is she not shy at all now that there is no one around?

"No, I just liked him"

Feng Qining glanced at Murong Li, it's none of her business that the former soul liked, but he was the only one she liked.

Perhaps sensing Feng Qining's gaze, Murong Li also looked over at this moment.

Across the crowd, the two also looked at each other and smiled.

The aunt looked at the expressions of the two people's eyebrows and smiled slightly. The relationship between the two people is really enviable. She is also really firm. So many people follow her, but she still likes it.

"But you haven't told me how you fell in love with him in the first place. I think the man in blue is pretty good, but his eyes never left you."

The blue-clothed man mentioned by the aunt naturally refers to Lancer. In fact, she likes Lancer. To be precise, if Feng Qining is her daughter, she must like Lancer as her son-in-law.

Murong Li is fine, but he is still a bit serious, while Lancer is always smiling and has the best temper among the people here.

"It should be the first one I met. As soon as I came out, I met him, so I recognized him, just like you, aunt. At the beginning, there were so many rich men chasing after you, but you didn't even fancy it. It was nothing more than recognizing him. "

The aunt nodded, "I really can't tell you about feelings. You said, if I didn't choose him, maybe I wouldn't have to suffer so much now, but I'm still here with him."

Feng Qining looked at the aunt, her skin became dark and dry under the wind and sun, but in Feng Qining's eyes, she was very beautiful.

Beauty is not only about appearance, but also a state of mind. In Feng Qining's eyes, the aunt is much more beautiful than some people who only have appearance but are seriously distorted inside.

"As long as you don't feel bitter in your heart, then you will not suffer"

Feng Qining answered while eating the meat, her posture was obviously suspected of not hurting her back while standing and talking.

"Well, yes, but there are more of you this time. If it weren't for you, our family would probably be dead."

Speaking of this, the aunt is still very grateful. It seems that she helped them, but in the end they helped her. [

"You're welcome, you don't know how many words of thanks you have said tonight."

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