The aunt actually wanted to say that no matter how many words of thank you, she could not express her gratitude. If she had money, she would have given it to her long ago, but she didn't. Not only did she have no money, but she had nothing. Wild vegetables, so she has no other way to thank her except to thank her.
"By the way, ma'am, is there anyone on your side who wants to get married?"

Feng Qining asked the aunt mysteriously, and the aunt also took a look around, like a thief.

"I don't know. Actually, I didn't pay attention during this time. Everyone is afraid that they will be eaten by snakes at some point. How can I take care of other things?"

Speaking of this, the aunt paused: "By the way, I forgot, I should tell them, don't be afraid anymore, because you killed that snake" [

Before she finished speaking, the aunt ran out, and Feng Qining couldn't stop her even if she wanted to. Looking at the back of the aunt, and then at the meat in her hand, Feng Qining shrugged.

I can't tell, the aunt is a lot of age, or the wind is the rain, she is so impulsive at this time, isn't she vigorous and resolute when she was young?

"What did you tell the aunt? Let her run down so fast?"

"Without me, where did I say anything, I asked her if there is anyone nearby who wants to get married, if so, please tell me, I can be the master of ceremonies"

master of ceremonies?What is an emcee?Murong Li looked at Feng Qining in confusion, she really had a lot of words, and all of them were unfamiliar to him.

"Oh, I forgot, there is no master of ceremonies here, the master of ceremonies is your singing officer here"

Murong Li nodded, and soon realized something was wrong: "You want to be the singer?"

Did he hear correctly, or maybe she was wrong, has she ever done such a thing?

"I've never found a female singer"

Murong Li's words made Feng Qining dissatisfied: "Why can you guys be men, but we women can't? I want to be one."

Looking at Feng Qining's rascally appearance, several black lines slid down Murongli's forehead. She thought she could be one if she wanted to. It's the custom here to be a ceremony official.

Just like men have always held up the sky, although she can also hold up the sky like a man, but there are too few like her, so some things don't just change.

"Why are you discussing this? It's not certain whether someone is getting married now, so it's too early for you to discuss this?"

Zhang Kai interjected, Zhang Kai couldn't understand the thinking of these two people, why are they so smart sometimes and so stupid at other times?

"Yeah, I thought too soon"

Feng Qining turned around, in fact, she was still looking forward to it, maybe there would be, no one could say for sure.

"you see"

Jing Sheng pointed to the front, and saw a group of people walking towards this side, they were still dressed up, with heavy silver ornaments on their heads, looking at those head ornaments, Feng Qining felt heavy.

She has never worn those headgears, the reason is naturally too heavy, she still likes her own country's costumes, with big sleeves, it looks very elegant, unlike these, it looks very luxurious, but it is really heavy when worn ah. [

"Where did they come from? What are they doing here?"

Lancer asked naively, did he come to compete with him for the barbecue?

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