"I'm here to grab the barbecue with you, hurry up and eat it"

Hearing Feng Qining's words, Lan Se really ate very fast, and when those people came in front of him, he actually finished eating that piece of meat.Fiction Rankings
"Son, you are really amazing"

Feng Qining praised Lan Se, if she had time, she would definitely hold a food contest.

"Son, if I have time, I will give you an award" [

"What award?"

Lan Se looked at Feng Qining expectantly. She had never praised him, and she had never said that he was smart. It is a miracle that she wants to present an award to herself now.

"Food Award"

Lancer's face immediately wrinkled, why is this award so strange?Why has he never heard of it, and it doesn't sound very good to be a foodie.

"Mother, can we change our names?"

Lan Se tried to persuade Feng Qining.

"What name? Eating God Award?"

"Forget it, let's use the one at the beginning, it seems to be better."

Lancer looked up at those people, and when they got closer, he finally saw clearly that they were holding some food and clothes in their hands, as if they were about to serve someone.

"Why do they appear like this?"

Zhang Kai also doesn't understand, it's dark now, and they are all asleep, why do you all appear here together?what happened?

"I don't know, but we seem to know their leader, we can ask later."

Jing Sheng looked at the aunt who was walking in front, she was walking in front, she should have brought that person.

"Is someone going to get married?"

Feng Qining looked at it happily, and at the same time glanced at Murong Li triumphantly, "Look, if she says so, let's do it."

"I haven't said this yet, you are so happy, I'm afraid you will be disappointed"

Murong Li reminded Feng Qining that Feng Qining disdain, she thinks it is, her feeling is never wrong, she thinks there is something.

"My feelings don't lie to me"

Murong Li is so depressed, she would rather believe her feelings than him. [

"Ma'am, what are you doing?"

Jing Sheng pointed to the group of people behind her.

It turned out that the aunt went to inform those people that the boa constrictor in the lake was killed. They were so happy that they rushed over without sleep. At the same time, in order to express their gratitude to Feng Qining, they brought all the delicious food at home. coming.

"Miss Feng, look, these are all brought by everyone, and we didn't say anything, these are gifts of thanks"

Looking at those things, Feng Qining felt a little flattered, she just did a small thing, but she was thanked by so many of them.

Along the way, those people regarded her as a demon or a ghost, but only these people regarded her as a fairy. It felt like a person had been alone in the cold winter for a long time, and one day a ray of sunshine came in.

That kind of warmth cannot be experienced by people who have not experienced the cold.

"We are full now, these things, you can put them away"

These are probably the only food they can eat at home. She has already eaten so much, how could she want their food?

"Yeah, we are eating snake meat, how can there be so many, these things are not needed anymore"

Murong Li pointed to the snake meat over there, and finally, under the persuasion of Feng Qining and the others, the villagers played with them.

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