"You can't say that, if you didn't do this, we wouldn't wrong you."

Won't you be wronged?In fact, they really have not been wronged now, they did the thing, Murong Li glanced at Feng Qining, Feng Qining glared at him, why?Was he trying to expose her?

"Anyway, it's definitely not what we did."

Feng Qining planned to beat her to death and refuse to admit it. They said she did it, did she do it?How could she be so stupid?

"We didn't confirm that you did it, it's just a coincidence, we have no reason not to suspect you" [

Feng Qining's stubbornness made the man frown. He had seen many women, but it was the first time he had seen someone as stubborn as Feng Qining. How could those people bear her with such a woman?

"What now?"

Feng Qining leaned on Murong Li's body, looking at them leisurely.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"I don't think so, we are still in a hurry, so let's not bother"

The man who looked like a leader said impatiently, he shouldn't delay his trip because of these things.

"But master, we are like this, how can we go?"

Someone said something weakly, and the person he called master turned around, seeing their behavior, Feng Qining thought it was funny,

"If you don't have clothes, then you go like this"

isn't it?

Those people frowned, didn't they wear it, wouldn't that kill them?

"Master, it doesn't matter if we go on the road like this, but you take us with you personally, isn't it good for us to dress like this?"

Feng Qining looked at the speaker, and saw that there were two beards on both sides of his mouth, and the beard was a bit long, no matter how Feng Qining looked at it, she felt that it looked like a mouse's beard, and then his eyes shone brightly, This person, at a glance, knows that he is a flatterer, but he just needs to speak nicely. Anyone else likes to hear such words, just like everyone likes to wear a high hat.

"Well, what you said makes sense, how about it, you find a way to get some clothes"

This is the old fox, Feng Qining looked at that man with a kind face, but actually was as cunning as a mouse.

That man, let's lift a rock and shoot himself in the foot.

Sure enough, the man frowned and looked at his leader in embarrassment. Where did he get so many clothes in this barren mountain?Is it woven with leaves?It's not practical either.

"Actually, there are so many leaves here, you can think about it"

Feng Qining said with a smile, and Murong Li squeezed her hand, did she think the family was not messy enough?This adds to the confusion.

Her words reminded the man, but instead of using leaves to make clothes, she aimed her ideas at them. [

"Masters and ladies, can I borrow some of your clothes?"

The man took out an ingot of silver in his hand, and looked at Feng Qining and the others obsequiously, but there was actually a hint of warning in his eyes.

There was ice in Feng Qining's eyes, and when she blinked, those eyes like ice caves seemed to freeze that person, and that person retracted his eyes in fear.

Feng Qining sneered, and wanted to compare her eyes with her, unless his eyes were as big as a bull's eye.

The woman's eyes are very sharp, who is she?The man's eyes rolled around, thinking that Feng Qining was the one who was talking to so many people just now, he seemed to have guessed a bit.

"If you want our clothes, yes, a thousand taels of silver, if you can afford it, then the clothes will be given to you."

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