The people over there gasped. www>

"Why don't you grab a thousand taels of silver?"

The man pointed at Murong Li and cursed, Feng Qining's ribbon was about to be shot, Murong Li held her hand tightly, Feng Qining gave him a dissatisfied look, they can bully her, but they absolutely cannot bully her side Now they point at their foreheads and scold them without giving them a lesson, do they really think she is easy to bully?

"Of course I'm not going to grab it. Since you think money is more important than your reputation, then we won't force you."

Murong Li said indifferently, his words made the man's face turn red, he wanted to refute, but he couldn't find the words for a while. [

"Several people are here now, I don't think it's for no reason, if there is anything you need to help, just ask."

The handsome man opened his mouth. This man has always spoken so politely. No matter how unruly Feng Qining was, he would not get angry. Feng Qining has always stayed away from such good-tempered people, because such people are the most sympathetic. People are scared, he will stab you in the back at any time.

"We need help, but if you don't help, then I don't care."

Why don't they believe this?But it's good if someone believes it, Murong Li squeezed Feng Qining's hand, if she is not familiar with someone, it is really easy to be deceived by her.

In the end, Feng Qining hitchhiked as if she didn't contribute any clothes. The reason was simple, those people asked for clothes, but she didn't have any.

"I don't have clothes, but I have one. If you have the ability, then you come here."

It's not that no one dared to go up, but that the young master stopped those people from moving. When he heard that Feng Qining was going to take a ride, he also gave her a ride.

"You helped me this time, I will definitely remember"

Feng Qining told him very seriously that she would never forget those who helped her, and if she had the opportunity, she would definitely repay the kindness of others.

The man looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he said to Feng Qining in a low voice: "There is no need to repay, just tell me honestly, did you do that?"

He was really persistent, Feng Qining also looked around, lowered her head, and answered him in a low voice: "I don't know."

The man glanced at her in disbelief, and if he didn't want to say it, then he didn't want to say it, and he said he didn't know, didn't she know what he did?Who is this fooling?

"I am very forgetful. I usually forget what I have done very quickly, so whether I did it or not, I really forget."

Who would believe these words?

"Girl, you really think I'm a fool"

The man looked at her a little angrily. Her attitude made him feel that she was playing him like a fool.

"I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe it, forget it"

Feng Qining shrugged and walked to Murong Li's side.

Everyone in the convoy rode horses, and the man asked those people to let out six horses. Except for Jing Sheng and Zhou Qing who rode one together, the rest rode one alone. [

The people in the motorcade all looked at Feng Qining secretly dissatisfied. Originally, they had horses to ride, but after they arrived, they had to squeeze with others. No one was happy about whoever it was.

"Feng, do you feel that there are many eyes wanting to kill us?"

Murong Li swept to both sides, and those people immediately turned their gazes back.

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