"Real guns and real ammunition can't solve us, it's just a few glances, what's so scary"

Feng Qining looked to the side, feeling her terror, those people dared not look at the two of them anymore. www>

This person's face is really thick. The man next to him rolled his eyes when he saw Feng Qining's actions. He is the master here, and people who don't know think she is the master.

Because some people only wore underwear, those people walked behind, but so many people still couldn't cover them, so people who came and went would look at those people, Feng Qining also looked at them, and found that The faces of those people were red.

It's probably embarrassing to be seen by people. [

After walking for a while, Feng Qining realized something was wrong, because this road didn't seem to be the one they came from.

"We're going to the city, this one doesn't seem to lead somewhere."

Feng Qining looked at the man, her eyes seemed to want to see into the man's heart, the man did not dare to look directly into her eyes.

"We are taking the sidewalk, it will be faster to walk from here"

Yeah?Feng Qining's eyes were full of doubts, the aunt hadn't told her that there was any sidewalk or something like that.

"smell good"

Lancer smelled the smell in the air, took a deep breath, and fell down.

Feng Qining held him back with a ribbon, flew up from the horse, and swung the sword at the man.

The man also dismounted from the horse, and blocked Feng Qining's sword with his long sword. When his sword touched the sword, he retreated quickly, and his body hit a tree behind him, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Feng Qi Ning hugged Lan Se, and Zhang Kai, Yi Chu, and Jing Sheng who were beside her also fell down one after another.

Only Feng Qining was left on the spot, Murong Li and the group of people over there, Feng Qining's originally bright eyes were full of indifference, looking at Feng Qining who was like a hellish Shura, the man felt afraid.

"How dare you poison"

They turned out to be disguised by people from the martial arts, she didn't realize it, she was really too careless.

"No matter how powerful your martial arts are, so what? Aren't you no match for a little bit of poison?"

The man took out a bottle, looked at the bottle, Feng Qining's eyes narrowed, she looked at the man with vicious eyes, that snake-like gaze made the man feel like a snake wrapped around his neck.

Feng Qining didn't talk nonsense with him, the man made preparations for the ribbon, and when Feng Qining's ribbon rolled over, he dodged to dodge.

"If you want the antidote, hahaha, how can it be so easy? Unless you give me the gold medal without words, I will give you the antidote"

The one who wanted the wordless gold medal again, Feng Qining took out the wordless gold medal.

"The gold medal is here, take it if you want it, and quickly give me the antidote" [

Feng Qining threw the gold medal to him, and the man reached out to take it. The moment he got the gold medal, his hand kept touching the gold medal, and the greed in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"The Antidote"

Feng Qining reminded him that the man also readily gave her the antidote, Feng Qining gave Murongli a look, and Murongli nodded.

With a turn of the long sword, Murong Li attacked the man, the man was caught off guard for a moment, the wordless gold medal fell from his hand, the man was shocked, he ignored Murong Li, and just rushed towards the wordless gold medal.

"Kill him to me"

The man shouted to the people next to him, those who had been standing by the side all this time were waiting for the man's words, and upon receiving the man's order, those people swarmed forward.

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