The scarlet bird screamed miserably, the hairs they plucked last time haven't grown back yet, are you going to pluck them again?If it goes on like this, its feathers will soon be gone.
"What's your name, hurry up and go"

Feng Qining stretched out her hand, Zhu Chiniao hurried away, Zhu Chiniao left, Feng Qining looked at Lan Se and the others on the ground.

"Li Meiren, their faces are slowly turning black, what should I do?"

Murong Li's face was full of solemnity, it was not a problem for these people to stay here. [

"Help them on the horse, let's see if there is any place nearby where we can hide"

Murong Li helped Lan Se and the others onto the horse. He and Feng Qining held a few ropes in their hands. The two walked forward slowly. They took another fork in the road just now. Now Feng Qining thinks about it, what did they do? Came this way?After thinking for a while, I finally remembered that at the beginning, those horseshoes splashed dust all over the sky, and they walked a certain distance before stopping.

It should be at that time that they turned on this road, Feng Qi Ning secretly scolded herself for being stupid, she just kept going forward, why didn't she know how to look at the road?

"Look, what is that?"

Murong Li pointed to the front, Feng Qining looked forward, there was a thatched hut over there, seeing that the roof of the thatched hut was still intact, Feng Qining's eyes lit up.

Now I finally found a house with a good roof.

"We can go over there"

Pushing open the door, nothing scary was seen. The thick layer of dust clearly told the two that no one lived here for a long time.

"Put them on the ground"

Murong Li looked around, but after seeing no bed, she made a decisive decision.

It took the two of them a little time to move them to the ground one by one. After finishing, Feng Qining was sweating profusely. In such a short time, half of Lan Se's face was covered with black. Feng Qining looked at the Looking outside, the scarlet bird hasn't come back yet, I don't know if it can get back so many medicines, some of them are still very precious.

"Limei, don't clean up, come and see, how are they doing?"

Seeing that Murong Li was still focused on cleaning at this time, Feng Qining was so angry, he didn't clean when asked him to clean, what was he cleaning at this time?

"It's not good, the poison is slowly spreading now, and there is no other way but to find an antidote."

Murong Li replied very calmly, Murong Li has calmed down now, and he is actually anxious, but if the person who caused the accident wasn't Feng Qining, he could calm down quickly.

"But who knows when □□ will come back"

Feng Qi turned around anxiously, seeing where Murong Li was cleaning, she angrily took the leaves in his hand.

"Don't be in a hurry, it's useless to be in a hurry now, it's better to calm down first, I believe that you will be back soon"

Murong Li comforted Feng Qining, Feng Qining nodded, she didn't want to be in a hurry, but she just couldn't control herself, especially when she saw the faces of several people getting darker and darker, so terrifying. [

"Rimi, after the poison is fully diffused, isn't that face completely black?"

"Yeah, after their hands and feet are completely black, they won't be saved"

Murong Li's words made Feng Qining jump up from the chair. She looked at Lan Se's face, and found that it was only half dark, and she relaxed a little.

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