At least there is still time, at least there is still a chance.look
A shadow flew in from the outside, Feng Qining just raised the knife, and after seeing clearly that it was a tiger or leopard, she put down the knife.

Feng Quning stayed beside Lancer and the others, ignoring Hubao. Hubao looked at Feng Qining who was abnormal, and then tilted his head to look at Lancer and others lying on the ground, half understanding and half confused.

It doesn't know why such an active person suddenly quieted down. It's still daytime. Are these people just lying here?

Did something happen to them? [

Seeing that Feng Qining didn't have time to talk to it, the tiger and leopard crawled quietly at Feng Qining's feet, and seeing its well-behaved appearance, Feng Qining put her head on it.

"Little cat, you are really useless"

The tiger and leopard moved its head, as if shaking its head, why is it useless?It's not the only one that has subordinates, it also has subordinates.

"Why? If you don't accept it, then you can get back the medicine they need like a gangster."

Feng Qining told the medicines she needed. Hearing so many medicines, Tiger Leopard frowned. It regretted boasting. It can find so many medicines, but some of them are not here. How is it possible to find it in a short time?

"Don't be embarrassed, find as many as you can find"

Seeing that the tiger and leopard did not move, Feng Qining seemed to know what it was thinking, so she patted it on the back. Hearing this sentence, the tiger and leopard was finally happy, and it ran out like a swipe.

"Li Meiren, I'll go out and have a look too"

There are mountains all around here, maybe you can find nothing.

"Don't move, you stay here peacefully, you will be back soon, believe me, it is afraid that you will pluck its hair"

According to his understanding of drugs, that bird must have a way, even if the medicine is not available here, it can fly far away.

What Murong Li said was right, because she was afraid that Feng Qining would pluck out her hair, she used all her strength to nurse, and even called out her left and right hands, which she had never used before.

Feng Qining was in the room staring blankly at Lan Se's face getting darker and darker. Unexpectedly, a bird flew in after a while.

It threw a blade of grass in front of Feng Qining, and flew away.

Once there was the first one, there would be a second one, and then a third one, and soon, Feng Qining's feet were full of grass.

A bird with colorful feathers boldly flew to Feng Qining's shoulder. Unexpectedly, a strong wind came from the door, and then, the vermilion bird stood on Feng Qining's shoulder, holding a bird in its beak. A white flower.

The colorful bird was hovering around it, and the scarlet bird looked at it, as if glaring at it, angrily scolding it for taking its place.

"He just stopped at my shoulder, why are you so domineering?"

Feng Qining picked up the feather of Zhu Chiniao, Zhu Chiniao immediately lowered her head, this is its exclusive position, no one can snatch it. [

Zhu Chiniao came back, those birds flew away naturally, Feng Qining was about to call Murong Li, when she lowered her head, he was already looking at the medicine at her feet.

"□□, very good, I got it so quickly"

Because there were only the two of them, the antidote was to crush all these medicines, and then feed them the juice, so Feng Qining and Murong Li kept crushing them.

"Rimi, there are so many herbs, we are so tired after doing this."

Feng Qining looked at the herbs at her feet, then at the unconscious people, and frowned again.

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