Saying that, those officers and soldiers were about to step forward to arrest Zhou Qing, Feng Qining stood in front of her: "If you want to arrest someone, you have to give a reason, otherwise I won't let you take him away."

In fact, no matter whether they had a reason or not, she would not let them arrest Zhou Qing. Even if her parents did something wrong, it was her parents' business and had nothing to do with her.Fiction Rankings
Why drag her into the water?

"Master, I'm going to catch her today, but I want to see what you guys do with me."

The officer waved to the people next to him, and those people immediately surrounded Zhou Qing, Feng Qining smiled icily, and struck out with the ribbon in her hand, knocking down those officers and soldiers to the ground before they could make a move. [

Those officials didn't expect these aunts to be so powerful. Did these people really come from the village?Dressed like that, but where are the people in the village so powerful?

"Why don't you get out?"

Lan Se sneered at them, these idiots, no one could see who they were, and they dared to attack his mother, he would definitely not let them go.

"You wait, our master will not let you go"

After saying this, the officials left in despair.

The woman hugged Zhou Qing's favorite pillow tightly, seeing her mother's appearance, Zhou Qing rushed over and hugged her tightly: "Mother, I'm back!"

Zhou Qing's words finally woke up the woman, she raised her head to look at Zhou Qing, her blurred eyes gradually became clear.

"What are you doing back? What are you doing back now? Hurry up, let's go"

The woman beat Zhou Qing with a pillow, and Zhou Qing covered himself with his hands: "Mother, this is my home, where am I going?"

Zhou Qing's voice was crying, and the woman slowly slowed down when she heard her words.

"Why did you come back? What are you doing here at this time?"

Zhou Qing hugged the woman: "Mother, tell me, what happened? This is my home, where else can I go if I don't come back here?"

"Home? No more, nothing left"

Seeing his mother's behavior, Zhou Qing's heart throbbed in pain. What happened during the time she was out?Why did her good home become like this?

"Mother, tell me, what happened? Tell me"

"What happened? You should ask your second uncle."

The woman's emotions were a bit agitated, if it weren't for that person, her good home would not have become like this.

"Second Uncle? Did he bet again? Did he bet all of my family?"

Zhou Qing knew very well who her second uncle was. He was a person who would gamble anywhere for a penny, and that person would do anything for money. [

"Let's talk about it when we go back. Are you planning to let people watch here?"

Feng Qining looked at the people walking around, and the passers-by couldn't help but glance at them, they wanted to be surrounded by people, but she didn't want to.

"Mother, let's go, I'll help you in"

Walking inside, there were many debris on the ground, and the house was smashed to pieces. Looking at his home, Zhou Qing had sadness in his eyes.

"I'm going to ask him now"

Seeing how his good home had become like this, Zhou Qing ran out excitedly.

"Don't look for it, you can't find him now"

The woman said without strength, if she could find him, she would have beaten him to death with a single stick.

It would be fine if he ruined his home, why would he want to destroy hers?

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