Although the mansion is dilapidated, the original luxury of the mansion can still be seen from the bricks and tiles. www>

"Don't worry, isn't there still us?"

Feng Qining said this half-comfort half-seriously, everyone seemed to have never expected her to say this, but Murong Li knew it after thinking for a while.

Zhou Qing was really surprised when Feng Qining said these words, she was taken aback for a moment, then hugged Feng Qining and cried: "Miss Feng"

She ran back after untold hardships, but what she saw was such a scene, how could she accept it? [

"Why are you crying? Your parents are still there, but they just lost a little money. It's good that people are here, and the money can be earned back at any time."

Now she is the only one here, if she is not strong, who else can be strong for her?

"Yes, mother, where is my father?"

Zhou Qing remembered, she hasn't found her father yet, so he must have encountered some accident, right?

"He was arrested by the government and said that he would not be released unless he paid enough money."

Those people are really ruthless. They have already taken all the valuables from her house, and they still don't think it's enough. What else can she ask them to take?

"What is the whole thing like? Mother, can you tell me?"

Knowing nothing like this, she really couldn't figure it out.

What's the whole thing like?That is, the second uncle lost money in gambling, and when he finally had no money, he borrowed money from others. In the end, he didn’t have any money to pay back. He told people that they had money, and then others came to ask them to pay back the money.

After hearing the whole story, Zhou Qing fell to the ground. She already knew that her second uncle was not a good person, so she told her parents not to associate with him, otherwise he would implicate them sooner or later. Unexpectedly, if she did not associate with him, she would still be unable to escape. According to that fate, that person is really their disaster star.

"Miss Feng, you must have a solution, right? Please help us."

Zhou Qing grabbed Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining looked at her, and then at her mother who was a little out of line, a little embarrassed.

She is not a fairy, how can there be nothing that can't trouble her?She also has a lot of things that she can't do, but at least they also got to know each other once. Isn't it good to let them go?

"Limei, what should I do?"

Feng Qining asked Murong Li that she was always unwilling to take care of such nosy matters, but if she did, their family might be broken up.

"What should I do? Of course I have brought his father out now. I think your son can easily do this."

But does this expose her son's identity?Feng Qining glared at Murong Li, what kind of ideas did he come up with?

"Mother, I'll go find out first, see where he is locked up, and then think of a way"


Lan Se left, Feng Qining took a look at the mansion, although it was destroyed, it can still be lived in after tidying it up, it just takes a little more effort.

"The second thing is to find out your second uncle, who is he, can you tell us?"

Zhou Qing glanced at them gratefully. Fortunately, there were still them at this time, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

"My second uncle's name is Zhou Jing. He is idle, loves to gamble, and can talk the most with his mouth. Because of this, he married a wife who is as beautiful as a flower."

Many people thought that after marrying such a good woman, he would restrain himself, but they didn't expect him to remain the same.

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