When she was young, her family lived with her uncle's family. When she grew up, he always looked at her with malicious eyes. She knew that if things continued like this, something would happen sooner or later.
She persuaded his father to give him a sum of money and let him move out. After the man took the money, he moved away happily. Unexpectedly, after a while, he came to get the money again. It turned out that it was given to him last time He ran out of money.

She happened to pass by, and when she heard his threats to her father, she was very angry and drove him away.

"Since then, he hasn't shown up. Before he said that my father didn't give him money, he tarnished his father's reputation to others. After I drove him away, he didn't say anything."

Maybe it was something she said, but she didn't know, but the people next to him knew who he was, so what if he said it?Others will not believe it. [

"I thought he had given up and wouldn't come to us again. I didn't expect him to make such a big deal now."

Zhou Qing's words were heartbroken. It was him who caused her family to become like this. When she saw him, she would definitely not let him go.

"Where does he live? Let's go and see, maybe we will find something."

Yichu made an idea, if he hadn't left, then he would definitely come back, and they might not be able to catch him if they passed by like this.

Zhou Qing took Feng Qining and others to look for it. Zhou Jing lived in a deep alley, where there were only two dilapidated rooms. Looking at the dilapidated rooms, Feng Qining thought of the one they lived in before. Broken temple.

"I feel like I'm walking back to the ruined temple."

Zhang Kai lamented that he stayed in that ruined temple for one night and was almost buried alive. At that time, he secretly swore that he would never live in that kind of place again. He didn’t expect to see it again now, but he was also depressed. Why? Wasn't he buried alive?

"How long has he lived here?"

Jing Sheng also couldn't help asking, if they stayed in a place like this for one night, something happened, but he stayed for so long but nothing happened, whoever it is, feels uncomfortable.

"I don't know, it seems that he has lived here since he moved out, at least five years."

five years?This number frightened Feng Qining and the others. He has lived here for five years and the house has not collapsed?Why?

"Don't worry, I don't think it can last much, maybe it will collapse in two days."

Lin Sheng also added this sentence with embellishment, listening to everyone's words, Zhou Qing's depressed mood was swept away, and there is this advantage of being with them, that is, no matter what happens, he will not be depressed for a long time.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's look for it."

Feng Qining waved her hand, there were so many people looking for the two rooms, and it took less than a minute to see them all. After searching here, she didn't see anything, Zhou Qing was a little discouraged.

"Didn't you say you have a second aunt? What about her?"

Murong Li felt strange, Zhou Jing left, there was no reason for her to leave too, could it be that she was also arrested together?

"Maybe he was captured."

Zhou Qing guessed that when the few people were confused, the neighbor's aunt walked in. [

"Who are you looking for?"

"Ma'am, I want to ask where all the owners have gone."

Zhou Qing was very happy to see the aunt. She and her father came here before and got lost because they were too playful. It was the aunt who brought her back.

"You, are you Miss Zhou?"

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