
Zhou Qing nodded, now there is no other way but to choose to trust Feng Qining.Fiction Rankings
"We don't know her father, the fastest way is to take her there"

Murong Li was thoughtful. Their ability to bring her to the past without a sound is probably no problem. At worst, they will go out together.

"This is the fastest way" [

Feng Qining also agreed, she was just worried that she would be afraid, she knew how dark the cell was, and she was afraid that she would not be able to bear seeing such a scene.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad"

This is her own business, how can she sit here and do nothing.

After discussing, Feng Qining left Lin Sheng to take care of Zhou Qing's mother, and the rest went to save others.

Feng Qining led Zhou Qing, and her figure flitted across the night, like a nighthawk cutting through the night sky, the hunting wind blew in her ears, Zhou Qing clenched her teeth tightly, not letting herself look down.

She was afraid that if she looked down, she would not be able to help screaming.

"Relax, why are you nervous?"

Feeling the stiffness of her body, Feng Qining was helpless, she wasn't nervous with her, why was she nervous?She was afraid that she would throw her off if she lost her strength.

Jing Sheng looked at Feng Qining leading Zhou Qing and leaving them far behind, and felt admiration from the bottom of his heart.

During the flight, she seemed to be able to pose in any position. For example, now, she was flying straight, with a ghostly figure, and Zhou Qing hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry, I won't throw you down"

Looking at her trembling feet, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, is she so insecure?

She wasn't afraid that she would throw her off, she was just afraid that she wouldn't be able to catch her by herself and would fall off. Looking at her, she was weaker than her, and she was afraid that he would lose her if he couldn't take it anymore.

In Zhou Qing's anticipation, Feng Qining finally stopped on the roof, standing on the tiles, Zhou Qing stepped on a tile, and her hands were shaking as if she was about to fall.

"Be careful"

Feng Qining grabbed her, and Zhou Qing hugged Feng Qining tightly. Just holding her just now really scared her to death. This was the first time she stood on the roof.

It was so easy to see them standing on the roof, why did she feel so horrible standing on it?

"Calm down"

Feng Qining looked around, fortunately they came to an unguarded cell, if they went to a place like the palace, they would have exposed themselves just now. [


Zhou Qing nodded quickly, and as soon as she turned her head, Murong Li stopped beside her, and she almost cried again, but in the end she still tightly covered her mouth.

When Murong Li came, the people behind her also came one after another, Feng Qi Ning only cared about Zhou Qing, leaving everything to others like watching the wind.

"Handover, we can go down"

Feng Qining nodded, before Zhou Qing could react, she was already under the cell, watching the scene below, she tightly closed her eyes.

"What are you doing? I called you here to let you see. What do you mean if you close your eyes?"

Zhou Qing pointed to the people below: "But none of them are wearing clothes"

How could she see their naked bodies as soon as she opened her eyes?

"What clothes are you wearing here? Besides, they wouldn't have any clothes if they wanted to"

Feng Qining said angrily, she thought this was a street, and she needed to go out to meet people, so even if they fucked here, it would be fine.

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