"But I can't look at them like that. A feast of fiery pictures
It's lascivious for a woman to look at other men's bodies like this. If others find out, will she still want to marry?

"Then let's go out now, your father doesn't need to be saved."

Zhou Qing immediately opened his eyes: "No."

Why is she so confused, she's come all this way, she's come to this point, what else does she care about?Let's talk about it after saving someone. [

"Look, which of these people is your father."

Feng Qining looked at the cage full of people, and frowned, the security here is still so bad, so many people are imprisoned here?Did he lock up everyone around him?

If he didn't lock up everyone around him, then he would arrest all these strong men, wouldn't the people here be poorer?

Intuitively, Feng Qining felt that there was something wrong with the officials here.

Glancing at the people around, Zhou Qing said angrily after a while: "The people here seem to be all the same, I, I can't recognize them"

What do you mean they are all the same?That man is her father, can't she even recognize him?

"You can't even recognize your own father, so what else can you recognize?"

Feng Qining really wanted to knock her out with a stick, and brought her here because she wanted her to recognize someone. If she didn't recognize someone, could she just throw her away?

"I, I'm trying to find"

Zhou Qing is also anxious, isn't she trying to find it?The hateful thing is that there are so many people, noisy, and everyone is in a mess, and she can't find it for a while.

"I'd better find a place to sit down, take your time."

Feng Qining took her to sit on the beam, the beam was full of dust, Zhou Qing was a little disgusted.

"Hurry up and find someone, it's too much for you to drag me down like this, if you don't like it, then I'll throw you down"

Zhou Qing didn't dare to complain anymore, Feng Qining was impatient, and if she angered her, she had no good fruit to eat.

"someone is coming"

Feng Qining looked around, and immediately retracted her body. She tightly covered Zhou Qing's mouth, and the two of them huddled on a beam.


Someone shouted again, Feng Qining pointed her finger across the air, and tapped the man's acupuncture points.

"You shouted again, I think you still haven't learned your lesson" [

Once again, that person was beaten, looking at the beaten person, Feng Qining's eyes curled up.

"Miss Feng, you..."

"you shut up"

Feng Qining signaled her with her eyes, Zhou Qing quickly shut up, she watched the people passing by with fear in her eyes, if this was discovered, how terrible would it be?

"Okay, keep watching, I'll give you half an hour, if you can't find it, we'll go out"

I don't know how long it will last like this, it's really troublesome to find so many people, Feng Qining is a little impatient, everyone here exudes a smell of sweat, the smell of sweat is considered light, and some of them are stinky.

Here, it's scary that these people don't have water to take a bath, and I don't know how long they haven't taken a bath. In addition to the fact that there are so many people here, the smell is not bad at all.

"I found it"

Zhou Qing suddenly shouted in surprise, Feng Qining really wanted to push her down, can't this person keep a low profile?If you find out, you will find out, can't she say it quietly?Why so loud?

"Can't you not be so frizzy?"

Feng Qining warned her in a low voice, she thought she was sensible, but after coming here, she showed her true colors.

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